Tuesday, March 17, 2020
What Reporter CRITICIZED OBAMA?...NONE and O really "blew it"
Kristof is represented here because he WOULD NOT say kind words about Trump even if he thought Trump did something RIGHT.
In stark contrast, HONEST REPORTERS are putting in story after story on CRONO as if THAT is SOOOOO critical. Think back to late 2009-2010 when THEIR President Obama was "handling" the SWINE FLU epidemic which infected 60,000,000 or so with 300,000 hospitalizations. H1N1 virus AKA SWINE FLU, 265,000 were hospitalized as a result (0.4% of the estimated total number of people who contracted it), and 12,000 died (0.02%).
In the spring of 2009 flu pandemic in the United States was a novel strain of the Influenza A/H1N1 virus, commonly referred to as "swine flu", that began in the spring of 2009. The virus had spread to the US from an outbreak in Mexico.
By mid-March 2010, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that roughly 60 million Americans had "come down with" the swine flu which was thought to have originated in Mexico.
On October 24, 2009, President Barack Obama FINALLY GOT AROUND TO declaring Swine Flu a national emergency in the U.S.. On Perhaps due to Obama's SLOWNESS to RESPOND as if he WAS NUMB FROM SOMETHING...on November 12, 2009, the CDC reported an estimated 22 million Americans had been infected with 2009 A H1N1 and 4,000 Americans had died.
In a May 2, 2009 NY Times Opinion Article by Kristof:
As swine flu spreads around the country, it’s only appropriate that the next political donnybrook may concern health care.
Vice President Joseph Biden said a few days ago that for the second 100 days of the administration, “the top of the agenda, the very top, is health care.” Lacing its armor across the field, a group called Conservatives for Patients’ Rights is airing commercials denouncing (and distorting) President Obama’s health care proposals. (Which Obamacare was eventually CRAMMED DOWN AMERICAN THROATS!!!)
Kristof continued avoiding BLAMING Biden and Obama. But he had harsh words for Trump taking up for himself when ATTACKED by FAKE NEWS like CNN, etc etc.
Kristof continued: "The flu crisis should be a wake-up call, a reminder that one of our vulnerabilities to the possible pandemic is our deeply flawed medical system." OVER FIVE MONTHS PASSED BEFORE Kristof's HERO Obama responded to the CRISIS FLU Pandemic that cost THOUSANDS of Americans to die. Did Obama think that this "helped" Obamacare and/or Zero Population Growth?
COMMENT: APPARENTLY, Mr. Obama was SO MAD that he had not been HEEDED that he SAT ON HIS PRESUMPTION all "HUFFY and ANGRY" until October 24, when he FINALLY DID SOMETHING. Something like "The Neighborhood Torch and Tar and Feather Committee" would have been after TRUMP for not doing something WHILE THOUSANDS DIED FROM H1N1 Swine Flu!
After all, Trump "caught Hell" for shutting down the BORDER and doing travel restrictions in order to CONTAIN Cronovirus which has REPORTERS REPEATING THEMSELVES sometimes with CRISIS ACTORS WHO HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED IN re-hashed CRONO story after story until the US public is FRANTIC and in a PANIC!!!
Nicholas Kristof:“These are frankly dispiriting days in journalism when we feel like we’re in the middle of a war zone not only when we go to Afghanistan or Yemen or Syria, but right here at home. And it is kind of unprecedented in my professional life to have us accused of being the enemy of the people, not by some dictator abroad but by our own president.” (President Trump resents fake news and some foreigners "terminate with extreme prejudice" — which is the stuff of "Wild West folklore"— generally — in the USA. Not to say that guys like Seth Rich can stroll about in total safety at 4 AM — his demise appeared "fishy".)
“The attack on the Capital Gazette in Maryland that killed five journalists there. We had the pipe bombs going to a bunch of people, including CNN,” Kristof said. He spoke out against those who killed and dismembered Jamal Khashoggi, The Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi whom Kristof had known for 15 years. Strangely, the travesty happened in the Saudi Consulate "safe zone" in Istanbul on Oct. 2, of 2019 and Kristof termed the killing devastatingly “a real blow to journalism circles.”
Kristof added: “The idea of this gentle teddy bear of a guy walking onto a consulate of an ally of ours in a NATO country, while his fiancĂ© was waiting outside, and having his fingers chopped off and being murdered and dismembered for his journalism — I find sickening and revolting. And I think there was also a sense that that emerged out of an ethos in which journalism and journalists had become targets and were being denounced for political purposes.”
The lecture itself was presented by the Gonzaga University Center for Public Humanities and the nonprofit Humanities Washington. Kristof stated that philanthropy was a possible part of the answer to the problem of a broken business model for journalism, but using fake news as click bait for content that delivers more online clicks and page-views over serious news doesn’t help, Kristof said.
“News organizations around the country at the local level don’t have a clear business model” and desperately need support from their communities to provide the accountability and scrutiny necessary for our democratic government, Kristof continued. He mentioned “news deserts” in the United States with 171 counties without a county newspaper and half of all counties having only one newspaper which is typically not a daily but a weekly.
K“Cat videos will bring in audiences and a lot of serious reporting doesn’t,” he said, noting an almost “inverse relationship” between the recent reporting of which he is most proud and cares about the most — particularly humanitarian issues — and that which draws the largest audiences.
Kristof said his reporting in the past year of brutal mass atrocities in South Sudan has gotten virtually no attention. Although expensive and risky to cover, his audience plunged with those stories.
“My mom was the only one who read them,” he commented.
Polling offers mixed lessons for journalism and news, Kristof stated. A recent poll found that 85 percent of the American people agree that freedom of the press is essential for American democracy. However, strong polarization of opinion occurs when politics are inserted into the question, he stated. (YES, BECAUSE as Americans we deeply RESENT reporters whose Trump Dementia Syndrome (TDS) has evolved into Crono Crazed Reporter Syndrome (CCRS) with full panic yellow journalism to HYPE dozens of FLU DEATHS into PUBLIC PANIC.
The FACT REMAINS that Obama got a pass from Kristof and the press in general because they VOTE DEMOCRAT about 90% or so.
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