Occupation YOUdoer

Occupation YOUdoer
This is for America!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

What Reporter CRITICIZED OBAMA?...NONE and O really "blew it"

Kristof is represented here because he WOULD NOT say kind words about Trump even if he thought Trump did something RIGHT. In stark contrast, HONEST REPORTERS are putting in story after story on CRONO as if THAT is SOOOOO critical. Think back to late 2009-2010 when THEIR President Obama was "handling" the SWINE FLU epidemic which infected 60,000,000 or so with 300,000 hospitalizations. H1N1 virus AKA SWINE FLU, 265,000 were hospitalized as a result (0.4% of the estimated total number of people who contracted it), and 12,000 died (0.02%). ***************************************************************************************************************** On SWINE FLU: In the spring of 2009 flu pandemic in the United States was a novel strain of the Influenza A/H1N1 virus, commonly referred to as "swine flu", that began in the spring of 2009. The virus had spread to the US from an outbreak in Mexico. ***************************************************************************************************************** By mid-March 2010, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that roughly 60 million Americans had "come down with" the swine flu which was thought to have originated in Mexico. ***************************************************************************************************************** On October 24, 2009, President Barack Obama FINALLY GOT AROUND TO declaring Swine Flu a national emergency in the U.S.. On Perhaps due to Obama's SLOWNESS to RESPOND as if he WAS NUMB FROM SOMETHING...on November 12, 2009, the CDC reported an estimated 22 million Americans had been infected with 2009 A H1N1 and 4,000 Americans had died. ***************************************************************************************************************** In a May 2, 2009 NY Times Opinion Article by Kristof: ***************************************************************************************************************** As swine flu spreads around the country, it’s only appropriate that the next political donnybrook may concern health care. ***************************************************************************************************************** Vice President Joseph Biden said a few days ago that for the second 100 days of the administration, “the top of the agenda, the very top, is health care.” Lacing its armor across the field, a group called Conservatives for Patients’ Rights is airing commercials denouncing (and distorting) President Obama’s health care proposals. (Which Obamacare was eventually CRAMMED DOWN AMERICAN THROATS!!!) ***************************************************************************************************************** Kristof continued avoiding BLAMING Biden and Obama. But he had harsh words for Trump taking up for himself when ATTACKED by FAKE NEWS like CNN, etc etc. Kristof continued: "The flu crisis should be a wake-up call, a reminder that one of our vulnerabilities to the possible pandemic is our deeply flawed medical system." OVER FIVE MONTHS PASSED BEFORE Kristof's HERO Obama responded to the CRISIS FLU Pandemic that cost THOUSANDS of Americans to die. Did Obama think that this "helped" Obamacare and/or Zero Population Growth? ***************************************************************************************************************** COMMENT: APPARENTLY, Mr. Obama was SO MAD that he had not been HEEDED that he SAT ON HIS PRESUMPTION all "HUFFY and ANGRY" until October 24, when he FINALLY DID SOMETHING. Something like "The Neighborhood Torch and Tar and Feather Committee" would have been after TRUMP for not doing something WHILE THOUSANDS DIED FROM H1N1 Swine Flu! ***************************************************************************************************************** After all, Trump "caught Hell" for shutting down the BORDER and doing travel restrictions in order to CONTAIN Cronovirus which has REPORTERS REPEATING THEMSELVES sometimes with CRISIS ACTORS WHO HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED IN re-hashed CRONO story after story until the US public is FRANTIC and in a PANIC!!! ***************************************************************************************************************** Nicholas Kristof:“These are frankly dispiriting days in journalism when we feel like we’re in the middle of a war zone not only when we go to Afghanistan or Yemen or Syria, but right here at home. And it is kind of unprecedented in my professional life to have us accused of being the enemy of the people, not by some dictator abroad but by our own president.” (President Trump resents fake news and some foreigners "terminate with extreme prejudice" — which is the stuff of "Wild West folklore"— generally — in the USA. Not to say that guys like Seth Rich can stroll about in total safety at 4 AM — his demise appeared "fishy".) ***************************************************************************************************************** “The attack on the Capital Gazette in Maryland that killed five journalists there. We had the pipe bombs going to a bunch of people, including CNN,” Kristof said. He spoke out against those who killed and dismembered Jamal Khashoggi, The Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi whom Kristof had known for 15 years. Strangely, the travesty happened in the Saudi Consulate "safe zone" in Istanbul on Oct. 2, of 2019 and Kristof termed the killing devastatingly “a real blow to journalism circles.” ***************************************************************************************************************** Kristof added: “The idea of this gentle teddy bear of a guy walking onto a consulate of an ally of ours in a NATO country, while his fiancĂ© was waiting outside, and having his fingers chopped off and being murdered and dismembered for his journalism — I find sickening and revolting. And I think there was also a sense that that emerged out of an ethos in which journalism and journalists had become targets and were being denounced for political purposes.” The lecture itself was presented by the Gonzaga University Center for Public Humanities and the nonprofit Humanities Washington. Kristof stated that philanthropy was a possible part of the answer to the problem of a broken business model for journalism, but using fake news as click bait for content that delivers more online clicks and page-views over serious news doesn’t help, Kristof said. ***************************************************************************************************************** “News organizations around the country at the local level don’t have a clear business model” and desperately need support from their communities to provide the accountability and scrutiny necessary for our democratic government, Kristof continued. He mentioned “news deserts” in the United States with 171 counties without a county newspaper and half of all counties having only one newspaper which is typically not a daily but a weekly. K“Cat videos will bring in audiences and a lot of serious reporting doesn’t,” he said, noting an almost “inverse relationship” between the recent reporting of which he is most proud and cares about the most — particularly humanitarian issues — and that which draws the largest audiences. ***************************************************************************************************************** Kristof said his reporting in the past year of brutal mass atrocities in South Sudan has gotten virtually no attention. Although expensive and risky to cover, his audience plunged with those stories. ***************************************************************************************************************** “My mom was the only one who read them,” he commented. ***************************************************************************************************************** Polling offers mixed lessons for journalism and news, Kristof stated. A recent poll found that 85 percent of the American people agree that freedom of the press is essential for American democracy. However, strong polarization of opinion occurs when politics are inserted into the question, he stated. (YES, BECAUSE as Americans we deeply RESENT reporters whose Trump Dementia Syndrome (TDS) has evolved into Crono Crazed Reporter Syndrome (CCRS) with full panic yellow journalism to HYPE dozens of FLU DEATHS into PUBLIC PANIC. ***************************************************************************************************************** The FACT REMAINS that Obama got a pass from Kristof and the press in general because they VOTE DEMOCRAT about 90% or so.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

We Are So Lucky to Be Americans Even If Hollywood Thinks Otherwise

Alas, dear reader, there is no place on God's green and otherwise - Earth that is a true paradise, depending on one's viewpoint and idea of paradise, of course. For sooth, in truth,the very idea such an Earth is idolatrous in almost any religion. Keeping that in mind, there is a bit of mitigation and "close but not quite" idolatrous notion if one is Jewish, because the United States was and still remains the first and only country on the planet where person born into or self-transformed into a Jew - can feel that he or she can both be a fully participating member of the American tribe and a fully vested citizen - simultaneously. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ This came about gradually as many things do, but just as the Founding Fathers in their American philosophy were in conflict with the slavery that was a bane to the United States until the Emancipation Proclamation officially ended it, that same founding philosophy was ever so contra and against the anti-Semitic norms in Western culture. Thus by the birth of twentieth century contemporaries, most of institutional barriers to Jewish advancement had been sidelined if not "side-minded". Thus most twentieth century-born-persons may have experienced only the scantest scintillas of the old prejudices and ancient hatreds that Jews have encountered since Joseph died in Egypt. Jewish contemporaries and those born lately are, thus, the most fortunate Jews ever to have been born. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Of course, there are always a few people who are anti-semetics who may have been reared that way culturally or religiously. Very few people raised in tolerant households will harbor anti-semitism unless re-educated to dislike Jews as a group. Even then, many of them will choose to like or dislike Jews on an individual basis. Thus they will choose their friends, lab partners or even college room-mates - on personal preferences - not because relatives liked or disliked certain groups. Even Jews themselves do this since obviously one cannot be "buddy-buddy with everyone" of billions of other humans. Israel fought "The Six Days War" because they had their differences with their neighbors. Sometimes neighbors loathe their neighbors so much they will risk killing their own group members despite religious teachings NOT to "harm their own." Sometimes this becomes a "I'm gonna kill you if it kills ME to kill You". This is illogical and goes against all human survival of self - instincts. This has nothing to do with self-sacrifice to save the lives of others BUT in fact, is the opposite. That person who would dive upon a "live" grenade to save his mates is quite the opposite of one who would toss a "live" grenade into a random crowd of strangers because he has been trained since his birth to hate SOME of the people he is about to murder. Bombs are even less "predictable" and "indiscriminate" than the proverbial "spray" the enemy away that is reputational of machine gun fire. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Understandably, one is unwilling to throw away and surrender this deep and true sense of the blessings of the United States to the conspiracies of a freshman House member of Congress who wants the entire world to buy into the notion that the Jewish people are working behind the scenes to sqelch and mute her musings and people who share her views—using their large denomination currency (“all about the Benjamins”) as enticement and bait for a trap. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ George Soros, a Hungarian-American - born Gyorgy Swartz in Budapest, Hungary, is but one wealthy individual among the many - who is willing to further damage the United States of America that Ronald Reagan called,"The Shining City on a Hill". It would require several books to mention all the determent promoted and purchased with the "spare change" of this very fortunate investor and his ilk. In early 2018, his net worth was estimated at $8 billion to $20 billion, the higher figure is alleged by Forbes. Certain sources cite that his influence is directed at U.S. Republicans most likely helping anti-Trump Republicans who remain allegedly biased against Trump despite. Trump's many successes and accomplishments including the incomplete Mexico - U.S. border wall that is so important to America avoiding the alleged fate of Rome which is so obvious @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Rome had no smuggled heroin, Fentanyl and other deadly drugs debilitating and killing off Roman citizens but still failed spectacularly with Flavious Odoacer becoming the last Emperior of Rome in 477 AD (C.E. = Common Era) being its first "Barbarian King" of Italy sporting a "barbarian" moustache on a coin of that era that bears his likeness. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Take Ilhan Omar at her word for a minute - about the Jews assuming it true, IIhan would be somewhere living a life of deserved obscurity in a Minneapolis - St.Paul (Twin Cities) living room to endure there for her entire life because the very conspiracy she asserts is so juggernaut powerful would have Jews actually “hypnotizing the world as” Omar insisted in 2012. That being the case, Israel would never have become the target of more "unseeming" and hostile United Nations resolutions than every other nation on earth combined. Every so often, the media news reports that 50 plus Islamic countries and other nations of the UN "have resolved that Israel is unfair to someone" and should stop defending itself because these people want to kill and maim random Jews and any sort of Israeli citizen even if they are Arab citizens of Israel. If "Palestinians" from Tunesia, Syria, and other Islamic countries rain rockets on Israel's "Iron Dome" killing a jew and six Arabs, AND Israel raids Palestine destroying rockets to prevent this, UN resolutions press for peace - IF Israel is WINNING otherwise hostilities are overlooked until the IMF prevails and Israel is winning. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ If Israel and the Jews in general could prevail at the UN, wouldn't Israel press for peace after it WINS not while still struggling with its foes? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Assuming that American Jews with "deep pockets" were so powerful that they could successfully sqelch and suppress opinions hostile to Israel, people like IIhan Omar would never get elected to a federal office in the first place. A "ton of money" would have "gerrymandered" and changed her voting district so that she would have garnered a low vote overwhelmed by opposition. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The fact that Omar is in Congress at all is stark, irrefutable testimony to the unclean fabrications of her poorly thought out slanders. But she did not "set off on this jaunt" - alone. An amazingly aggressive "wagon-circling" posture inside the Democrat Party went against censuring Omar for standing up for and promoting belligerent opinions about a usually Democrat-voting minority group and a very small one at that - being less than 2 percent of the U.S. population. Apparently Jews are the only minority group in America that it is permissible to criticize as a group. With the progressive faction "handful" beginning to dominate the Democrat Party - Jews are seen as viable targets to criticize. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Jesse Jackson jolted the left wing of the Democrat Party by running in 1984 calling New York City “Hymietown”. Jesse Jackson even did this as he accepted security assistance from Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam. The Jackson moment may have appeared to be a "flash in the pan", which it was , but it also "needled" new anti-Semitic radicalism into the party "lifeblood". This injection of radicalism re-revealed itself in 2012 at the Democrat National Convention (DNC) when an apparently non -"lightning rod" mention of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital drew loud boos and took three successive votes in order to be added as a "plank" to the DNC’s platform. Conspiculously, Detroit's Greektown enjoys a popularity that goes far beyond ethnicity...and they began as Greek Orthodox so perhaps they had it easier than Jews? A visit to Detroit serves to impress but not necessarily educate one as to struggles in the past. This Lassie-Faire, WE ARE ALL HUMANS LIVING HERE TOGETHER tolerance appears to be a way of life for Detroiters who are as a group - a friendly lot. Homelessness does not appear to be a problem as vagrancy laws are enforced and with few exceptions, everyone got along. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Jews who support Israel have enjoyed an appointment in Samarra with the Democrat Party for many years after Rep. Ilhan Omar’s inflammatory comments, and the unnerving and melancholy "wave-making pass" the remarks have been granted by DNC leaders in the House and Senate, grow from these parasitic spores that are hooking up to the Democrat Party root. They are a sign and symptom of the degenerate progressive rejection of the spirited and inclusive melting-pot ideals that have allowed American Jews to be both Americans and Jews. Clearly, in poor-mouthing and "dissing" Jews, Omar and her similarly-minded several - slander America herself. The graveyard at Arlington, Virginia evidences Jews' love of the USA since many "Stars of David" conspicuously dot the landscape alongside multitude of crosses.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Was Negative So Here Are Tips On Good Citizenship

How does One Person Make a Difference? By being master of himself/herself and making a better example for others than infamous people who do as they please and malfluence others. 1. Try in earnest to follow traffic rules. By being a responsible driver, commuter or pedestrian to observe simple traffic rules, better, safer and more efficient roads and fewer road rages, slow downs, and ambulance pick-ups 2.Endeavor to be punctual and not procrastinate until the "last minute". People secretly admire a person who is 5-10 minutes early since nobody has to wonder where they are when the "time comes Let’s change the “majority stater time” to “majority staters during rush hours on time”. Let’s avoid procrastination since it’s nice to be a bit early. When one avoids filing, paying, and doing transactions during deadlines - it makes for a smaller crowd 3. Always ask for a receipt since every receipt or sales invoice from a seller is proof positive of purchase, forcing the seller to declare it as sales and pay the related business and income tax. By getting an official machine-prirevenuesnted receipt, you’re helping America to collect more tax , which shrinks the national debt and even some of its interest. 4. Aside from getting "Fear Factored" - pay your taxes. It’s our duty to pay our tax dues to the government. A "Money Management Magazine discovered that 27 tax preparers varied from preparer to preparer because of that huge "Tax Code Book" so staying within the law is fairly easy especially when the deductions are referenced to the page of the tax code. With the tax cuts, smaller refund checks cause people to forget WHY the refund is smaller since LESS was deducted automatically from employees’ salaries with owners pay "fudge factored" taxes to the state and federal government with the hundreds of dollars tax cut for employed workers, iis ent state and federal income tax by their employers. unfair for "working stiffs" if self-employed taxpayers and business t . 5. By being a responsible parent and not "fudge factoring" kids into the Ivy League schools and beyond, the youth will not becime "jaded" and think they need everything on a silver platter. They know when "elite schools" are "paving their way" since parents are influencing the schools somehow. Even getting accepted does not lessen the study load in every course and the student can get over-whelmed anyway and fail. The SAT and other tests are good indicators of study habits and brain power. The 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration maxim has truth. The youth are the hope of America and the world. That’s precisely why parents should raise their children by example and teach them well with good habits, attitudes and values so that when they mature, they’ll become great citizens of our country. 6. It sounds preachy or trite but love your husband or wife. It is beneficial for YOU AS WELL to honor your marriage andlovebuild a great family like a country leader who is truly feperseverance and pluck vow with your loved one. If the husband and arless and each other and can’t be united, then how can they even the mass media cannot hamper his leadership? Challenges make for stronger leaders. Obstacles build wife can’t . 7. Endeavor to conserve water and energy. Spare yourself from paying higher electric and water bills. From space the USA looks "well-lit" in densely populated areas especially when compared to North Korea which looks like Death Valley, California at night. But waste weakens a country and makes the citizens careless in many ways. 8. Endeavor to protect our environment to conserve and protect the Earth more. Most public street drains remind us not to pour waste oil or food into them as this is bad for the environment and clean water. Wildlife and even domestic pets drink street and "pond" water. Dispose of your litter and your garbage properly. Repair and maintain your vehicle(s) to minimize air pollution. Plant any thing people and animals eat and even a non-fruit tree. Remember to avoid excessive light and noise pollution in your neighborhood, not especially during sleeping time. The astronauts will little ch lights from nor long remember seeing your Christmas lights or space. 9. Be alert to your surroundings and report crimes. This will assist our law enforcement to solve and reduce crimes in the world we live in, especially locally. Don’t forget to expose the biggest crime of all which is corruption in the government that "picks every American's pocket" - one way or another. Misappropriation of resources and services and theft inside the state and US government involves millions and even billions of dollars. This generosity crime can make millions of Americans hungry if only by inviting all the poor and people with $80 backpacks - of Central and South America - to come live with Americans. Bernie Sanders has extra mansions but not enough rooms for thousands and even millions of "extra people". An invasion of illegals causes dirty cities full of homeless migrants that overwhelm schools and public facilities - worsening pollution and unsanitary conditions besides bringing in virulent and hardy new measles and tuberculosis germs. Corruption and open borders makes for worse bridges and it is substandard public infrastructures like the walk-over that collapsed in Florida that were built by corrupt politicians can kill many lives during calamities. Therefore, be resiliant and tough and brave and help our country's leaders fight corruption. 10. A good citizen endeavors to obey the laws and local ordinances which were made for a good reason. Sometimes old laws are on the books like the "Banning of shooting Indians from street cars." Harkening back to a remote past when Indians were called "the red man" there was nobody "Fresh off the boat" to "really change this law's meaning". But seriously, laws are based on the United States' constitution. Thus whether a criminal law, business law, a civil law or a simple local ordinance, as long as it’s constitutional, let’s obey it. If you think the law is too harsh, obey first - think it over - then you may effectively complain. 11. Strive to be understanding and kind to our foreign visitors By presenting a smiling, pleasant face to foreign visitors the US entertains by the millions, WOULD show them how good, honest, hospitable and helpful Americans are and American-whatever-country - are. Sincerely accomplish this small occasional event with all your heart, and of course, do this also to our own citizens, not only to foreigners.

Have -0- On FISA Judges, Roberts,Jr , Good Citizen Tips,,Shiff On You,,BUSH Passes Like a Ship In the Night

Spotlight on United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court or FISA Judges Gibbs' NCIS Rules Way Down Since Obama had two four years terms - is there a such thing as an "Obama judge"? How many other appointees might be "tainted" by the brush of socialism that blackens all hearts. Justice John Glover Roberts,Jr., as the Chief Supreme Court justice appointed several of the judges who sit on the FISA court who issue warrants allowing surveillance (AG Barr bluntly termed,"spying" on American citizens who are suspected as being foreign agents or known as foreign agents either registered or not. These United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court or FISA judges are for all practical purposes - taking the uncontested word of the government that the "evidence" is reliebly checked out. When people acting on behalf and FOR Hillary Clinton's 2016 political campaign, colluding with a later-proven-corrupt DOJ and later-proven-corrupt FBI to target Trump, the "outsider" political opponent, this is not supposed to happen in a republic relying on the rule of law for centuries as administered by supposedly impartial judges. The FISA judges are appointed to safeguard America's national security against foreign powers, but were aimed and directed as an extra-constitutional arm of the Hillary Clinton campaign as it colluded with foreign actors who had written and two-page-summarized tainted and unproven "evidence" in order to stage a Deep-State coup against a man who was duly elected president - namely Donald J. Trump. This aiding and abetting to safeguard the legacy of two-term-President Barack Obama appears to be a choice an "Obama judge" would feel obliged to make. The FISA Court is a U.S. federal court that was established and authorized under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) to administer and oversee requests for surveillance warrants against foreign spies inside the United States by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies. These "let's wiretap these spies" requests are made most often by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Congress created FISA and its court as a result of the recommendations by the U.S. Senate's Church Committee in 1978. From its inception in 1978 until 2009, the court was located Floor #6 of the Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building. During 2009, the FISA Court was relocated to the E. Barrett (Wasnthea) Prettyman United States Courthouse in Washington, D.C. The building was named after U.S. Judge Elijah Barrett Prettyman who passed away in 2011. Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court John Roberts has the sole authority to appoint judges to the FISA court – ALL eleven of them. One of them, Judge Rudolph Contreras, granted a previously denied Michael Flynn FISA warrant. As a FISA judge, he was fully aware that the Michael Flynn FISA warrant had been denied even if another judge had done so. But Chief Justice Roberts' appointees are the ones who approved warrants of the Obama administration using material in a Russia Dossier assembled by Christopher Steele, a British agent using his dubious, salacious and unverified Russian sources' file as evidence to assist one US political party against another US political party. The FISA court consisting of "star chamber judges" ostensibly provides a prime example of persons swapping privacy and freedom for security, resulting in losing BOTH individual liberty (for Trump and his campaign workers) while trying to establish the opposite of what really happened. While the potential for abuse of FISA powers is enormous when undertaken on unverified and unproven evidence, and the damage that has been done to our republic and our politics has been staggering. FYI - judges who find themselves in high positions, sometimes for no apparent reason, are often called "star chamber judges" from the 1983 movie named for the Star Chamber, the notorious 15th –17th-century English court which was apparently similarly notorious as is "the Ninth Circus Court". Mediocre, mundane, and malicious people of ill repute in the US Senate often give "landslide approval" to notorious court nominees such as Judge Ruth Bader (Worst) Ginsberg so they may lose critical votes at some future time when it becomes crucial to allow an even lesser quality individual half a chance at victory when that person sadly deserves the chance of a small snowball falling in Mel's Hole near Ellensburg, Washington. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) considers some of the most sensitive matters of national security such as terror threats and ongoing espionage. Its work for the most part is so secret and sensitive that it cannot be examined by the American public, by order of the Congress and the President of These United States (POTUS). FISA constitutes a completely secret tribunal, its structure largely one-sided, and its eleven members unilaterally chosen by one person. A rotating panel of federal judges at the FISA decides whether to grant certain types of government requests – wiretapping, data analysis, and other monitoring for "foreign intelligence purposes" of suspected terrorists and spies operating in the United States. ... [T]he 11 judges are appointed exclusively by the Chief Justice of the United States, without any supplemental confirmation from the other two branches of government. John Roberts has named every member of the current court, as a well as a separate three-judge panel to hear appeals of FISA orders, known as the Court of Review. So how could a court over which Chief Justice John Roberts has complete control allow frauds to be committed upon it in a manner more fitting in a banana republic? With pressure on President Trump to declassify and release the FISA warrants and substantiating documents, if any, could Justice Roberts be getting nervous about what might be found? It was astonishing, for example, to find out from Judicial Watch that these FISA warrants used against Team Trump were issued without any hearings being held, starting with the one issued against Carter Page: The Justice Department admitted that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court never held a hearing on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act spy warrant applications on Carter Page. Judicial Watch announced the DOJ revealed in a court finding Thursday that "there were no records, electronic or paper, responsive to [Judicial Watch's] FOIA request with regard to Carter Page," and that the FISA Court "considered the Page warrant applications based upon written submissions and did not hold any hearings." The infamous Christopher Steele dossier of unverified documents regarding President Trump was the basis for the four controversial FISA warrants on Page, the former Trump campaign advisor. "It's astonishing and disturbing that these courts couldn't bother to hold hearings on spy warrants targeting Donald Trump," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told Jason Chaffetz who was sitting in for Sean Hannity on Fox News' "Hannity" on Friday. Deputy A.G. Rod Rosenstein misled the FISA court and signed off on the FISA application to spy on Trump's campaign adviser, Carter Page, actions documented in a four-page House Intelligence Committee memo: A secret, highly contentious Republican memo reveals that Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein approved an application to extend surveillance of a former Trump campaign associate shortly after taking office last spring, according to three people familiar with it. The renewal shows that the Justice Department under President Trump saw reason to believe that the associate, Carter Page, was acting as a Russian agent[.] ... The memo's primary contention is that F.B.I. and Justice Department officials failed to adequately explain to an intelligence court judge in initially seeking a warrant for surveillance of Mr. Page that they were relying in part on research by an investigator, Christopher Steele, that had been financed by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign[.] As we now know, and as has been copiously documented, Rod Rosenstein committed a self-evident fraud upon the FISA Court. And now his subordinate is going to investigate him? Can the swamp drain itself? Page has vehemently denied the allegations in the dossier and has sought the release of the memo to show its falseness and to show that the DOJ of Rod Rosenstein and the FBI of Andrew McCabe colluded with the Democrats to keep Hillary Clinton out of prison and Donald Trump out of the White House: The former Trump campaign adviser who was spied on by the U.S. government prior to the 2016 election is "very much" in favor of the release of a controversial congressional memo alleging abuses of the surveillance warrant application process. Page pressed for the release the FISA application in a May 14 letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. "If FISA warrants indeed exist as has been extensively reported, wide-ranging false evidence will be inevitably revealed in light of the fact that I have never done anything remotely unlawful in Russia or with any Russian person at any point in my life," he wrote. What remains unanswered about the application for the warrant on Page is how heavily it relied on the dossier and whether the FBI and DOJ vetted the allegations made about him by Steele[.] ... Page has vehemently denied the allegations made against him in the dossier, which was put together by former British spy Christopher Steele, commissioned by opposition research firm Fusion GPS, and financed by the Clinton campaign and DNC. Would Justice Roberts approve of releasing the FISA warrants and explain how the judges he appointed could ever approve them? Consider that former FBI director James Comey, in testimony given under oath in June 2017, said the Steele dossier was "salacious and unverified." Yet Comey signed off on at least one, if not four, FISA warrant applications based on the "salacious and unverified" dossier. Either he was lying to Congress or he was lying to the FISA Court judge. In any event, he was out to get Trump, and the FISA abuse and his plot to set up Robert Mueller as a special counsel without a crime to investigate or any evidence of collusion were both parts of his conspiracy. Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.) says McCabe testified that if it weren't for material from Steele's fraudulent dossier, there would have been no FISA requests and no surveillance of Team Trump: "McCabe did in fact testify under oath that there would not have been a FISA warrant if not for the dossier. It was recorded," Rep. Zeldin tweeted. Without Comey's FBI submitting false FISA requests, which Roberts's appointees allowed, including at least one signed off on by Comey himself, there would have been no surveillance of Team Trump and no special counsel. The mystery in all this is the silence of the FISA Court that was lied to, judges who sat as a fraud was committed on the court, and a Chief Justice John Roberts who harrumphs that judges have no political birthmarks even as the judges he put on the FISA court participated in an attempted political coup by the Obama administration against its successor &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& House of Representative members serve terms of 2 long years during which they must campaign for re-election AND try to accomplish SOMETHING as Democrats which is very difficult - considering their constant oppositional stances to sensible legislation and required participation in "laughable and ludicrus legislation" such as opposing new 25,000 jobs for New York state and banning autos and airplanes because they use fossil fuels. Would they back anti-gravity vehicles that neither pollute nor burn fossil fuels? Probably not. For consideration as House candidates, potential representatives must have United States citizenship for 7 years before running, be at least 25 years old, and have residence in the state they choose to represent upon election from that Congressional District. After 100 days in Congress, on or about April 12, 2019, the newly elected Representative Sharice Lynette Davids, the 1980 model, is very proud of acquiring space to set up a congressional office in a section of her Kansas district where she stated there had been no office "for the people" for several years. As for Georgia 6th District Representative Lucy K. McBath, she felt that her success in passing gun background checks legislation after her son Jordan Davis' shooting death at a convienece store that apparently had a gas station - in 2012 - was her biggest achievement. She was elected because of her principled stance. The son was shot at eight times in his SUV because of "loud music" sometimes termed "Earspittenlaudenboomer." (Spell checker does NOT do German) Ayanna Soyoni Pressley of Massachusetts 7th Congressional District - a 1974 model - was another newly elected Democrat Representative in November of 2018. She defeated an unopposed "Foreverman" named Michael Everett Capuano after Capuano's 10 terms. If she stays on for 10 terms, she COULD be 85 when she leaves office. Widely publicized and shamed, blamed or accredited was New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AKA the notorious AOC, in her apparent single-handed introduction of the widely lauded and at the same time dissed as ludicrus - Green New Deal - which blamed worldwide unfiltered "cattle emissions" for insoluble climate change among other things. We'd all like to see this cattle-carried-emission-eliminator invention of the future that will help this AOC to become a #1 visionary". Maybe the Bureau of Land Management will install these on America's cattle as an example to Brazil, China and the rest of the world - NOT. How does One Person Make a Difference? By being master of himself/herself and making a better example for others than infamous people who do as they please and malfluence others. 1. Try in earnest to follow traffic rules. By being a responsible driver, commuter or pedestrian to observe simple traffic rules, better, safer and more efficient roads and fewer road rages, slow downs, and ambulance pick-ups. 2. Endeavor to be punctual and not procrastinate until the "last minute". People secretly admire a person who is 5-10 minutes early since nobody has to wonder where they are when the "time comes". Let’s change the “majority stater time” to “majority staters on time”. Let’s avoid procrastination since it’s nice to be a bit early. When one avoids filing, paying, and doing transactions during deadlines it makes a smaller crowd during rush hours. 3. Always ask for an official receipt since every official receipt or sales invoice from a seller is strong proof of purchase, forcing the seller to declare it as sales and pay the related business and income tax. By getting an official machine-printed receipt, you’re helping our country to collect more tax revenues, which shrinks the national debt and thus its interest. 4. Aside from getting "Fear Factored" - pay your taxes. It’s our duty to pay our tax dues to the government. A "Money Management Magazine discovered that 27 tax preparers varied from preparer to preparer because of that huge "Tax Code Book" so staying within the law is fairly easy especially when the deductions are referenced to the page of the tax code. With the tax cuts, smaller refund checks cause people to forget WHY the refund is smaller since LESS was deducted automatically from employees’ salaries with state and federal income tax by their employers. Even with the hundreds of dollars tax cut for employed workers, it is unfair for "working stiffs" if self-employed taxpayers and business owners pay "fudge factored" taxes to the state and federal government. We, the citizens, are the first leaders of this democratic republic country. We are the roots of our leaders. In other words, we are the ones who choose the people who will lead our government. Our leaders and government officials originate from our votes. Thus, for our country to improve, progress must begin with us. We have to be responsible citizens to achieve personal and national development. So without further ado, here are 20 things we can do to become responsible Filipino citizens. 1. Follow traffic rules. Be a responsible driver, commuter or pedestrian. If we will follow simple traffic rules, we will have better, safer and more efficient roads. 2. Be punctual and do not procrastinate. Let’s change the “Filipino time” to “Filipino on time”. Let’s avoid procrastination. It’s nice to be early. So avoid filing, paying, and queuing during deadline to minimize the crowd during rush hours. 3. Ask for a receipt when paying CASH and the total includes TAX. Every official receipt or sales invoice you will ask from a seller will be a bonifide and actual, factual - proof of purchase, forcing the seller to declare it as sales and pay the related business and income tax. If you will always ask for an official receipt, you’re helping our country to collect more tax revenues. 4. Pay your tax. It’s our duty to pay our tax dues to the government. Employees’ salaries are automatically deducted with income tax by their employers. Hence, it would be unfair for them if self-employed taxpayers and business owners will not pay taxes to the BIR. 5. By being a responsible parent and not "fudge factoring" kids into the Ivy League schools and beyond, the youth will not becime "jaded" and think they need everything on a silver platter. They know when "elite schools" are "paving their way" since parents are influencing the schools somehow. Even getting accepted does not lessen the study load in every course and the student can get over-whelmed anyway and fail. The SAT and other tests are good indicators of study habits and brain power. The 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration maxim has truth. The youth are the hope of America and the world. That’s precisely why parents should raise their children by example and teach them well with good habits, attitudes and values so that when they mature, they’ll become great citizens of our country. 6. It sounds preachy or trite but love your husband or wife. It is beneficial for YOU AS WELL to honor your marriage and vow with your loved one. If the husband and wife can’t love each other and can’t be united, then how can they build a great family like a country leader who is truly fearless and even the mass media cannot hamper his leadership? Challenges make for stronger leaders. Obstacles build perseverance and pluck. 7. Endeavor to conserve water and energy. Spare yourself from paying higher electric and water bills. From space the USA looks "well-lit" in densely populated areas especially when compared to North Korea which looks like Death Valley, California at night. But waste weakens a country and makes the citizens careless in many ways. 8. Endeavor to protect our environment to conserve and protect the Earth more. Most public street drains remind us not to pour waste oil or food into them as this is bad for the environment and clean water. Wildlife and even domestic pets drink street and "pond" water. Dispose of your litter and your garbage properly. Repair and maintain your vehicle(s) to minimize air pollution. Plant any thing people and animals eat and even a non-fruit tree. Remember to avoid excessive light and noise pollution in your neighborhood, especially during sleeping time. The astronauts will little note nor long remember seeing your Christmas lights or search lights from space. 9. Be alert to your surroundings and report crimes. This will assist our law enforcement to solve and reduce crimes in the world we live in, especially locally. Don’t forget to expose the biggest crime of all which is corruption in the government that "picks every American's pocket" - one way or another. Misappropriation of resources and services and theft inside the state and US government involves millions and even billions of dollars. This generosity crime can make millions of Americans hungry if only by inviting all the poor and people with $80 backpacks - of Central and South America - to come live with Americans. Bernie Sanders has extra mansions but not enough rooms for thousands and even millions of "extra people". An invasion of illegals causes dirty cities full of homeless migrants that overwhelm schools and public facilities - worsening pollution and unsanitary conditions besides bringing in virulent and hardy new measles and tuberculosis germs. Corruption and open borders makes for worse bridges and it is substandard public infrastructures like the walk-over that collapsed in Florida that were built by corrupt politicians can kill many lives during calamities. Therefore, be resiliant and tough and brave and help our country's leaders fight corruption. 10. A good citizen endeavors to obey the laws and local ordinances which were made for a good reason. Sometimes old laws are on the books like the "Banning of shooting Indians from street cars." Hearkening back to a remote past when Indians were called "the red man" there was nobody "Fresh off the boat" to "really change this law's meaning". But seriously, laws are based on the United States' constitution. Thus whether a criminal law, business law, a civil law or a simple local ordinance, as long as it’s constitutional, let’s obey it. If you think the law is too harsh, obey first - think it over - then you may effectively complain. 11. Strive to be understanding and kind to our foreign visitors especially if you think they might be illegals. You never know but they may have been deported six times for more than $50 each time and this is the time they "lose it" and kill somebody. An Aleutian deportation the first time to one of the Russian-owned islands would have "chilled them out" but they went to places variable and unknown. People used to wish them on Chiapas, Mexico but that is one of Mexico's high unemployment states so that is not fair. But to be a good role model or a good representative of all Americans is one small correction of that "Ugly American" novel on the Twentieth Century. Good manners and etiquette is important all the time - not just in front of visitors. This helps to give America a better reputation than the cowboy and gangster films seen by the world. Some foreigners think Al Capone is alive and well and owns half of Chicago and has an interest in Las Vegas "to keep his hand in". Assisting this misconception is a mention on the Internet that "Scarface" Al is visiting a major US city esp. since the infamous gangster fellow died many years ago. It wouldn't have bothered Al in the least that at least ONE European country has banned the baseball bat as "an assault weapon" when a soccer fan was beaten with one. It didn't matter to the authorities that "chopsticks" could have been the weapon or even a tree limb. But digression aside, presenting a smiling, pleasant face to foreign visitors the US entertains by the millions, WOULD show them how good, honest, hospitable and helpful Americans are and American-whatever-country - shouldincerely accomplish this small occasional event with all your heart, and of course, do this also to our own citizens, not only to foreigners. FBI Recognizes Threats To Homeland Counter-terrorism is #1 because even enchanted and world popular cult religion terrorism is still terrorism. Intelligence is threatened by so much LEAD added to many products that small Americans and illegals - CHEW on. These range from crayons to chalk to extention cords which are plugged in that have LEAD in the insulation. Only God knows the extent of LEAD in foods imported from China. They probably put LEAD in the noodle spices and canned linings of food? The "Intelligence" which is the excuse for 17 bureaucracies that are chock-full of Anti-Trump people "doing all they can to insure" that the bought-and-paid-for- wants, wishes, and desires of Hillary Clinton are accomplished -come base-ball-sized hail or high water. The Deep State has long held the goal of providing "Hell to Pay" for any Republicans not voting with Democrats in the Senate and House of Representatives. This is the actual "obstruction" that has held Trump back from fulfilling the other 15% or so of his promises. In stark contrast, "W" Bush's least forgotten promise was his threat to provide cheap prescription medicine to the elderly and retired which he knew would involve World Pharmaceuticals competing with US "Big Pharma" to make medicine "affordable" but of necessarily lesser quality. Affordable like "progressive" has become a "dirty word" because of the implications involved. Catastrophic-end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it-health-care-insurance" was called "The Affordable Care Act" or ACA - which carried a $7000 deductible and a manditory you must pay - several hundred dollar - "NO-we don't want it - FEE" to be paid annually like a sort of "blood bank for vampires of the wallet" legislation. Obama made some 40 "modifications" to the ACA without the required Congressional approval and the "Act" is considered so FUBAR and "fouled up" that many insurance companies RESIGNED. Unless painted on the side of a building - ObamaCare signs were taken down for the most part although some "ads" continued since an already de-famed media apparently had no credibility - to lose. The FBI designated Counterintelligence also since the 17 "Intelligence services" were either "too busy" going after a duly elected POTUS named Trump i,e "sicced on - like so many rabid curs" or too occupied with "sites of ill-repute" on the Internet or whatever. They appear to be demoralized since any spies captured are just given back to the countries that sent them (probably with tax payer money as is deportation of illegals here and apparently in Mexico) Why would any country deport illegals to help the US without getting bribed to do so? Cyber threats - that is to say "hackers" - are a big threat since "Macky" the Brit with Asperger's Syndrome noted numerous other hackers on the US government "secret honey pot sites" that he visited from the UK. A hacker who called himself "Guccifer" that allegedly "hacked Hillary Clinton's private server" - met a sad fate. The FBI has noted that "Going Dark" involves terrorists encrypting the correspondence using their own encryption software or something famously known for years as "Darn Good Encryption" or DGE which is free and readily available on the Internet long before the "Dark Net" was frequented by all sorts of "agents". There is even a "Peeled Onion" browser that was made famous by TV shows. "Computer Legend" holds that rascals of all sorts use this browser as sure as "Jib Jab" Jeb Bush ran for POTUS in 2016, by popular RINO demand and a "double war chest of a reported $100,000 MILLION dollars. Somebody(s) wanted an HRC win very badly and it wasn't just Vladamir Putin who had been sponsoring her for years via the Clinton Foundation. Of course, the FBI has "be(en) on the look out" or BOLO for Weapons of Mass Destruction ever since "suitcase nukes" have been a Russian invention to make nukes portable throughout the "West" which along with the European Union - has mostly had "open borders" for "migrants and refugees" conveniently ignored by persons with acres of air-conditioned tents and tented rest room facilities. These persons welcome malcontents like "mothership believers" from the "West" whose followers tend to dress much like "persons with acres". The FBI is also obliged to offer and pass along its expertise and some technology to friendly nations seeking to deter WMDs from their shores. This deters proliferation which in modern society - may be "just an airplane trip" away. https://www.americanthinkerDOTcom/articles/2018/11/what_about_your_fisa_judges_justice_roberts.html What’s with the Democrats? First they wanted to get rid of FBI Director James Comey and called President Trump every name in the book to get rid of and FIRE Comey. - the Democrats call President Trump every name allowed in print and infer a few that are disallowed - because Trump got rid of Comey. Besides bigot, racist, xenophobe, and white supremacist, they’ve called him “Nixon” and claimed there is some kind of huge “constitutional crisis.” Sometimes guys like Andre Perry notice that Trump's policies promote things like school choice that caused Louisiana Superintendent John White to offer "boilerplate language" after the news broke of Betsy DeVos school choice advocate’s nomination for Secretary of Education because she and some Democrats agree in education reform. As for the rest, what the hell is wrong with all those Democrats? The FiveThirtyEight AKA 538 website and several others, agree and give credence to Hillary Clinton's "blame claim" — but two political science professors - Costas Panagopoulos and Aaron Weinschenk disagree,“We don’t think so.” wrote up their study for the Monkey Cage, a name suggested by M.L. Mensken since Will Roger's names and others - did not reflect enough political science jockularity. This oxymoron concept of "danged if Trump does and danged if he doesn't" COULD on the surface appear to be a big counterpoint to a popular load of emerging conventional "wisdom" on the left. In reality, it's just Democrat "doublespeak" and using any sort of an item to whack Trump over the head is not really all that contradictory. Their conclusions vary in in tone, but their research largely confirms that Comey may have indeed "thumbed" the scales with his key parsing phrase of “may have.” Likewise Comey has all sorts of negative suggestions implying that Trump in a 235 page transcript of his Congressional "behind-closed-doors" Hillary Clinton style "hearing". Former FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers he "did not remember" 245 times but said he would bet his life that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation into possible Russian ties to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign is being conducted “the right way.” The words, "I don't recall" were used only 8 times indicating Comey's glib creativity. Apparently so since Mueller has continued to pursue "possible Russian ties" for almost two years now. Finding Hillary Clinton's ties to Russia would have taken TWO DAYS of procrastination. “There are not many things I would bet my life on,” Comey stated to the twenty-four lawmakers from two congressional panels, in private. “I would bet my life that Bob Mueller will do things the right way, the way we would all want, whether we’re Republicans or Democrats, the way Americans should want.” Back in early July of 2013, James Comey, nominated as the FBI director - was to receive a $3.07 million payoff from hedge fund Bridgewater Associates if he was confirmed by the U.S. Senate according to Newsmax. Comey, after leaving Bridgewater as their general counsel in January of 2013 would receive the cash as a “full payout” of his interests in the company’s profit-sharing plan, according to a June 26 questionnaire signed by Comey that was filed with the Senate Judiciary Committee. Speaking of million$, Facebook - on or about May 3, 2018, - hired another top Democrat staffer, Chris Randle, as a government affairs specialist. This happened during a year in which Facebook, the social media giant, has already spent $3.8 million on lobbying. Chris Randle joined Facebook from Capitol Hill, where he worked as legislative director to Democratic congressman Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY). Randle previously worked for other Democrat politicians including Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA). Former Democrat operatives are rather common in Silicon Valley, and Facebook AKA F*C*book is typical. Breitbart News reported before Randle that Facebook has hired at least 45 former staffers to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. This compares to just ten Facebook employees who worked for Mitt Romney, John McCain, or George W. Bush who were Republican "moderates" with decidedly Democrat leanings. Mark Zuckerberg has readily admitted to Silicon Valley being an “extremely left-leaning place”, and that this does harm to PR perceptions of tech companies among conservatives. Similarly inclined as to the issue of speech restrictions - Zuckerberg's company still appears to be making the problem worse as in exacerbating the difficulty, Twitter style. In a Sunday mid-November, 2018 tweet, President Donald Trump described Democratic Rep. Adam (No-Ts) Schiff of California as "little Adam Schitt" in a public tweet. Some pundits thought the name was mis-spelled since that's what it SOUNDS like and older people have been carefully schooled in phonics as opposed to the "Chinese Method" of "Look-See-Say". Trump was criticizing the likely incoming House Intelligence Committee chairman for his comments about acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker earlier in the day. Apparently, "Don't put Ts in my name" Schiff had heard that modification to his name before and it re-opened "old wounds" from an earlier time of "getting re-named", "So funny to see little Adam Schitt (D-CA) talking about the fact that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was not approved by the Senate, but not mentioning the fact that Bob Mueller (who is highly conflicted) was not approved by the Senate!" Trump tweeted. The news media has frequently given attention to the wide-eyed Schiff who public ally airs his "hot-hate" for Trump which the also "offended" media - LOVES. One would think that Schiff would possess a "thicker skin" by now since being called THAT is probably "old hat." In angry schoolboy fashion, Schiff was so pleased with the attention that he responded within an hour, writing, "Wow, Mr. President, that's a good one." ATTN Democrats...Schiff used SARCASM. trying to say that the BARB was BLUNT. "Was that like your answers to Mr. Mueller’s questions, or did you write this one yourself?" he added, with a reference to reporting that Trump would soon submit his written answers to special counsel Robert Mueller's questions and indeed did so. Trump appointed Matthew Whitaker, the resigned Sessions' chief of staff prior to his appointment, over to serve as acting attorney general by utilizing the Federal Vacancies Reform Act. This is a statute that allows presidents to fill a temporary empty post until a permanent replacement is named. Some Democrat-influenced legal experts have stated that the law only allows for the president to appoint a Senate-confirmed official, which Whitaker was not. Later in November of 2018, when Trump was interviewed by Fox News anchor Chris Wallace, Trump stated that he "did not know" Whitaker "took views on the Mueller investigation," but those views didn't have "any effect" on the appointment. Nevertheless, Trump said, Matthew Whitiker's views on the investigation are "right." Trump stated on "Fox News Sunday", "What do you do when a person’s right? There is no collusion. He happened to be right. I mean, he said it. So if he said there is collusion, I’m supposed to be taking somebody that says there is? Because then I wouldn’t take him for two reasons, but the number one reason is the fact that he would have been wrong. If he said that there’s no collusion, he’s right." As to Trump's written answers to Mueller's questions, which Schiff referenced in his tweet, Trump said his legal team was "writing what I tell them to write." Guys like Adam Schiff agree that Trump should be indicted if only for eating and breathing - since there is no evidence to suggest Trump did any sort of crime except a Democrat-bought-and-paid for "free" Russian propaganda "dossier" with notes from Christopher Steele, former British agent. With all the talk that British speakers are more believable by a gullible American public, Hillary was certain that an ounce or two of former British MI6 Steele "spy-touch" would help the unverifiable 35 page "docu-a-ganza be more credible. Even the erstwhile Senator McCain obligingly passed along the Russian Dossier to Comey in a 10-minute meeting on December 9, 2016. This fact was published in the UK Guardian on January 10, 2017 and mentioned in the business insider. McCain used details of this to promote his and Mark Salter's book,"The Restless Wave" which has yet to make it to "Evolved From Inflation 5 and 10 Cent Store" shelves after its release in 2017. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Recall the miraculous and almost believable kudos and praise and Hosannas for America's recently departed former President George H.W. Bush. Ah, but a "left handed complement" sometimes whaffs through the fragrant smoke blown by Republican-hating Democrat-loving media types. They just can't help it. Withholding a "dance on the grave", they "slip in" a few words about the man's DOG and someone else regresses to Trump Derangement Syndrome ever so fleetingly and briefly. And TRUMP has NO DOG or cat - for that matter. When would a PRESIDENT with a "less than helpful Congress" have time to PET a PET? The Phoenix Sun called HW Bush the "last gentlemen president" in their by-line title and caption for the picture, By paragraph/line four, the Sun said Trump arrived unannounced then "The billionaire businessman is planning to attend Bush's state funeral Wednesday at Washington National Cathedral."This is a FUTURE diss of all Republican POTUS henceforth and anyway Jimmy Carter ended the Democrats' "Gent,eman Era" long ago. Who in Sam Hill could be a perfect gentleman with a VICIOUS, SNARLING PRESS yapping at ONE'S HEELS like YOU BE A PUSSYCAT! The action is to SWIFTLY PUNT ONE of the MEDIA DOGS OF WAR...into the nearest WATER! To just "TAKE KICKS IN THE SEAT OF THE PANTS ...is NEITHER WISE NOR Christian. The Bible says NOTHING about WHAT to do after "Turning the other cheek" to be slapped. Trump is not expected to speak at the service and has a "fractured relationship" with the Bush family, according to the Sun although none of the other presidents except HW's son W spoke at the funeral AND unlike the McCain "bad blood", Trump was welcomed with Jeb Bush saying Trump gave much comfort to him and the family. Trump has praised H.W. Bush since his passing as "just a high-quality man who truly loved his family" and a "terrific guy" who will be missed." Another mentioned Bush's fiery Democrat Moment" when H.W. resigned his lifetime NRA membership in 1996. THAT was a "What Kinda FOOL" moment or WKF. With NRA permission, Bush the then Senior - COULD have auctioned off the lifetime membership AND given the MONEY to CHARITY but he DISSED THE NRA like a smelly pair of socks instead. Politico questioned if "history was being too kind" and calling him "over rated". The New York Times called him out for his “uncommon grace.” The Washington Post called him a “giant of a man". He had a GIANT NAIVETY if he believed the Democrats WOULD cut spending by TWO DOLLARS for every DOLLAR of EXTRA TAXES because they SAID they would. NOW had he asked for that PLEDGE to be CHISELED IN STONE for HIS EVENTUAL GRAVE...the Democrats would have BALKED, SQUAWKED and TALKED...but BACKED OFF OF THE LIE. NO Mr Bush just wanted to NOT be chosen to RUN for a SECOND TERM or to DONATE the POTUS-ship to Bill Clinton. Bob Dole was sufficiently LACKLUSTER to LOSE as planned...since the IMPEACHMENT so richly DESERVED...was LOOMING LARGE. The most kind and considerate person I’ve ever known.” “The most beautiful creature I had ever laid eyes on.” - may seem a bit "over the top" but not that surprising. The Latin aphorism "de mortuis nil nisi bonum" which translated to ENGLISH means "speak nothing but good of the dead" applies even to a politician’s legacy unless he has been a total "snake". His or her family, friends and associates deserve some solice in their grief not to say they were faultless but being human, they made mistakes we may privately recall not air out in public. Hey...what more SNEAKY WAY to call a DEAD GUY ...a CREATURE!!! Obviously these comments were not the typical remembrances of jaded politicos spoken about mere mortals. This is especially true if that mortal just so happens to be a Republican politician. From wince were all these lofty accolades when Mr. H.W. Bush was alive and kicking with his colourful socks? Where was all this love love love crazy LOVE - when he was president? Where was this amazingly high regard for Bush -the man when he was losing his re-election campaign in 1992? can all that lofty praise be from one fact: The press lies. Yes and since there is no better time to lie about someone once they are dead and since they no longer pose any sort threat - why not give the guy a break and speak well of him after trashing him WHILE he was running, after he won and being in such a habit of it - poor mouthing Bush -the daddy - Pappy Bush for years afterward. Those who will recall and were aware a the time noticed that when President Bush was alive and still a threat in politics, he was plenty scorned and publically airwaves-and-print-media-ridiculed by the press. To the Democrat-loving media Bush was a aged physically and mentally impaired, out-of-touch, buffoon who, when much younger - failed to excuse himself and "threw up" near the Japanese prime minister during a state dinner. Why, in 1989, Bush had authorized a raid on a drug-lord in Panama which caused international consternation and higher prices for some Democrats' "commodities". In later years, long after Mr. Bush no longer posed any real threat, the press had its ridiculous stories accusing Mr. Bush of being a womanizer. Indeed, the same man that the media sided against in 1992 in order to help elect Bill Clinton, a proven and unmitigated - womanizer. That jappened to be the same Bill Clinton credibly accused of rape by numerous respectable and reliable women. The guy who settled out-of-court for $850,000 with Paula Jones to avoid even more bad publicity and higher penalties. Clinton was even dis-barred for a time. Certainly tons of fawning praise for George H.W. Bush certainly rang hollow by any standards but then it suddenly all clicks and begins to make sense again. At least ONE, David Greenburg on December 1, 2018, sorta, kinda - whipped out his "long knife" to "DIRK a dead dog" so to speak - no meaness intended, of course - just "kicking a man while he's "crossed over"- no, just "critical dissent" after the guy is TOO DEAD to defend himself. And speaking of dogs, HW Bush's DOG Sully even drew criticism for lying near the casket when taken to a casket viewing. Greenberg: "But when it comes to presidents and historical actors of consequence, we also need critical dissent...sober, serious historians like David Halberstam and Garry Wills stood up to provide corrective reminders. (Of Nixon, whom the hated with a purple passion - more or less.) Had they not done so, future readers might have believed that Nixon’s attempted comeback had succeeded when in fact it did not. Respect for the dead must coexist with respect for the historical record." (Out of all due respect, Mr Greenberg...NOBODY...remotely aware of Nixon's "press" - would have believed Nixon's "attempted comebeck" had succeeded 100% - NOBODY with any sort of memory of all that bad press, including ruthless people "going after" President Gerald Ford - who had to know that "the press" would never understand "giving Nixon a pardon" - for ANY reason or rationale, let alone, "having suffered enough" and the like. No...the "death of 1000 cuts" and honey-dipped-upon-an-anthill" and a "legacy of scorn and contempt" was Nixon's due and any other Republican worth a grain of salt.) Greenberg mused - this is not about George H.W. Bush. This is all about the current occupant of the White House, President Trump. For years now, it has been abundantly clear how much the press hates Donald Trump, at least now that he is president. They truly and absolutely despise him — and even his supporters — so deeply that by comparison, this makes George H.W. Bush a man of “uncommon grace.” Giant of a man. Most kind and considerate. Most beautiful creature. They came to the very verge and the extreme edge of saying,"Hellova Nice Guy". Known for these many years as ridiculously partisan and myopically and unmitigatedly political “Saturday Night Live” paid its tribute to Mr. Bush. Immediately, of course, they "took off their masks of piety" and reverted to their true selves by an old video of Alec Baldwin angrily doing his unfunny skit of President Trump with "almost persimmon-ly puckered" - lips. The Washington Post, "Rubiconed" the line with its editorial in which the WaPo somehow manages to “mourn George H.W. Bush” — “and the presidency’s loss of dignity.” WHAT LOSS OF DIGNITY? The GUY DIED! And the WaPo practically "ISSUED A RASPBERRY SCENT" at his FUNERAL, BILLOWING DOWN a PANT'S LEG! The idea here is that just as they are sorry to see George H.W. Bush depart the land of the living - they just hate President Trump, presumably with that "purple passion." Max Boot, an artless and unprincipled writer was "used" to "get in a dig" so to speak and not be meek. He described George H.W. Bush as "the Anti-Trump". Hey, there it is. Just as Rush Limbaugh so succinctly put it - all the praise and accolades voiced in this hatred-deleted-white-wash with George H.W. Bush. Just another way to "take another swing" with hatred for President Donald J. Trump. It is certainly and obviously true that Mr. Trump is a very different person than Mr. Bush. Trump is a multi-talented individual from a different family, background, development, etc - than Bush. The fact remains that however different Mr. Trump is, by doing as he PROMISED, cutting tazes, creating jobs, bringing factories back to American soil, even ones making foreign nam cars, he will be re-elected president. As in 2016, lip-reading will not be necessary - raw disappointment and more fear and loathing - will fuel and exacerbate - still more and deeper - Trump Derangement Syndrome. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Some Good "Gibbs" Guideline Rules Garnered From an NCIS Fan-page Rule 1: "Never let suspects stay together". - revealed in the Season 1 premiere episode, Yankee White (episode). Rule 1: "Never screw over your partner". - revealed in the Season 4 episode, Blowback (episode). McGee also stated this rule to Ned Dorneget in Need to Know (episode). McGee also mentioned to Abigail Borin in Ships in the Night (episode) that rule number one has been taken twice, showing that he knows that there are two number one rules. Rule 2: "Always wear gloves at a crime scene". - revealed in "Yankee White". Rule 3: "Don't believe what you're told. Double check".- again revealed in "Yankee White". Rule 3: "Never be unreachable", - revealed in the Season 3 episode, Deception (episode) although Gibbs has been known to be intentionally unreachable but normally when going undercover on a whim to maintain cover. The rule was shown in Rule Fifty-One (episode) in the background when Gibbs opens the box. Rule 4: "The best way to keep a secret? Keep it to yourself. Second best? Tell one other person - if you must. There is no third best." - revealed in the Season 4 episode, Blowback (episode) Rule 5: "You don't waste good." - revealed in the Season 8 episode, Baltimore (episode). Rule 6: "Never say you're sorry. It's a sign of weakness." - This rule has been mentioned throughout the series, but it wasn't given a specific number until the episode called Flesh and Blood. The rule is also a direct reference to John Wayne's catch phrase in She Wore A Yellow Ribbon (John Ford, Director). Wayne said: "Never apologize, mister, it's a sign of weakness." to subordinates in a military situation. DiNozzo notes the connection in Hiatus Part 1 (episode). Mark Harmon's career has paralleled John Wayne's. They both were quarterback of their southern California college football team, both went into acting. (Harmon's father, Tom Harmon, was a Heisman Trophy winner and actor & announcer as well.) Note: This is continuously told to Tony, Ziva and Tim through a smack to the back of their heads. Rule 7: "Always be specific when you lie." - revealed in the Season 1 finale episode, Reveille (episode). Rule 8: "Never take anything for granted." - revealed in the Season 3 episode, Probie (episode) although Gibbs also quotes it as being "Never assume" during the Season 9 episode, Rekindled (episode). Rule 9: "Never go anywhere without a knife." - revealed in the Season 1 episode, One Shot, One Kill (episode) although it's sometimes quoted as "Never leave home without a knife" or "Always carry a knife." Rule 10: "Never get personally involved in a case." - revealed in the Season 7 episode, Obsession (episode) and again referenced by the new SECNAV Clayton Jarvis in the Season 9 premiere episode, Nature of the Beast (episode) as the number one rule in Washington politics. Rule 11: "When the job is done, walk away." - revealed in the Season 6 episode, Semper Fidelis (episode). Rule 12: "Never date a co-worker." - revealed in the Season 1 episode, Enigma (episode). Rule 13: "Never, ever involve lawyers." - revealed in "Collateral Damage". Rule 51 is written on the back of the card containing Rule 13 in "Rule Fifty-One". Rule 14: "Bend the line, don't break it." - revealed in Anonymous was a Woman (episode). Rule 15: "Always work as a team." - revealed in Leap of Faith (episode). Rule 16: "If someone thinks they have the upper hand, break it." - revealed in the Season 8 finale episode, Pyramid (episode). Rule 17: "Never, ever interrupt Gibbs during an interrogation." - revealed in the Season 14 episode, Privileged Information (episode). Rule 18: "It's better to seek forgiveness than ask permission." - revealed in Silver War (episode). Rule 20: "Always look under." - revealed in The Artful Dodger (episode) Rule 22: "Never ever bother Gibbs in interrogation." - revealed in Smoked (episode). Rule 23: "Never mess with a Marine's coffee... if you want to live."- revealed during "Forced Entry". Rule 27: "There are two ways to follow someone. First way, they never notice you. Second way, they only notice you." - Jack-Knife (episode) and "Rule Fifty-One". Rule 28: "When you need help, ask." - revealed during Blood Brothers (episode). Rule 35: "Always watch the watchers." - revealed in "Baltimore". Rule 36: "If you feel like you are being played, you probably are" - revealed in Nature of the Beast (episode). Rule 38: "Your case, your lead." - revealed in Bounce (episode) placing Tony as temporarily in charge of the team, and also in Phoenix (episode) with Ducky as leader. Rule 39: "There is no such thing as coincidence." - revealed in Obsession (episode) although DiNozzo states that Rule 39A is "There is no such thing as a small world" during Canary (episode). Rule 40: "If it seems like someone is out to get you, they are." - revealed in Borderland (episode). Rule 42: "Never accept an apology from someone who just sucker punched you." - revealed in Psych Out (episode). Rule 44: "First things first, hide the women and children." - This rule number was mentioned in Patriot Down (episode) but was not stated until Rule Fifty-One (episode). Rule 45: "Clean up the mess that you make." - revealed in "Rule Fifty-One" although it's also stated as "Never leave behind loose ends" in Hiatus Part 2 (episode). Rule 51: "Sometimes you're wrong." - Created by Gibbs in "Rule Fifty-One" by writing it on the back of the card containing Rule 13. It is unknown if his coworkers are aware of this rule. Gibbs also refers to this rule in Keep Your Enemies Closer (episode) just before talking with Leon Vance. Rule 62: "Always give people space when they get off an elevator." -- revealed in Double Back (episode) Rule 69: "Never trust a woman who doesn't trust her man." - revealed in Devil's Triangle (episode). Rule 73: "Never meet your heroes." - Revealed in A Thousand Words (episode) Unnumbered Rules "Never date a woman that eats more than you do." - was said by Tony Gigaranza in Singled Out (episode). In my country, on my team, working my cases, my people don't bypass the chain of command"- revealed by Jethro Gibbs during a chit-chat with Ziva in Switch (episode). Maybe Ziva threw her knife in that one? The Unspoken Rule-as revealed by Franks: You do what you have to do for family - revealed in Spider and the Fly (episode). Don't work the system when you can work the people -revealed in Hung Out to Dry (episode). Don't stop checking and rechecking evidence until you are satisfied. If you want to find something, you follow it. (Said by Gibbs to Mike Franks in Deliverance (episode) with Gibbs adding that he learned that one from Mike). Besides Rule 13, Gibbs has 6 other rules involving lawyers, but, according to DiNozzo, "You only need to know number 13; it's the umbrella one." Never second guess yourself in a relationship and life. Other Rules Abigail Borin, Gibbs' counterpart at CGIS, also has her own set of rules. The only one currently known is her Rule #1: Never make excuses. McGee has formed his own set of rules. But only 2 are known: Rule #1: Never lie to Gibbs.(He will FIND OUT that You LIED and think you are a Democrat.) Rule #70: Keep digging till you hit bottom. The San Dominick (episode) When DiNozzo was in charge, De Nose devised a set of rules. Rule #1: Don't sit on the sidelines while your people are in trouble. Rule #3: Never underestimate your opponent- revealed in Hiatus Part 2 (episode). Abby also has her own rules. Rule #1: Do not lie to Abby - revealed during Toxic (episode). Rule #9: Always keep a spare - revealed during Jeopardy (episode). Jimmy Palmer once had a rule. Jimmy's Rule #1: Pipettes can never be too clean. (revealed in Restless (episode)) Exceptions persist since pipettes are DISPOSABLE sometimes. Word on the street is that Democrats staging "Ingest Feces and Expire Banquet" with tickets for $20 each. The choice will be T Bone Steaks or fine Porterhouse to be served. The side order will be instant potatoes with a crow feather garnishment symbolizing Democrats strict adherence to "Jim Crow" and Poll Tax Laws. Dessert is Senator Murkinski special Chocolate and Feces with a Jonestown Flavored Water lemon chaser of finest cyanide, arsenic and Socrates favorite - hemlock. Have a car waiting and "Men In Black" to take your SELF to your final destination. Special arrangements consist of a $20,000 flight over "Mel's Hole" where a parachute-less drop will be filmed for your loved ones. Book this one early as spaces are limited to the first 30 seeking this coffin/cremation-less "send-off". Free transportation to the "drop-off plane" at the Ellensburg, Washington field which will film your pale face and your final descent into the fabled bottomless orifice. Be the first in the Democratic Party to choose this most memorable and not all that expensive - final destination. Many Democrats "are ready to go" since Judge Bret Kavanaugh has been confirmed and the end of liberal Leftism is at hand. In the words of the humble gamer from Gabber - "Resistance is futile. All your bases are belong to us." Remember Democrats only $20 will get you a "Ticket To Ride" in that long black limo but $20,000 will make you remembered FOREVER. **DRIPPING SARCASM** What SOME FOREIGNER think of Americans... Americans do not do pillow fights because these so easily escalate into brawls and even knife fights and shootings. No power tools making NOISE on SUNDAY in America especially in downtown crowds because people disturbing the peace will be shot/slashed/beaten - for this. Opinionated persons with unapproved signs are subject to immediate punishment for this. Fortunately hospitals are open 24/7. Discussions about World War II can lead to fights and mayhem and violence - antifa is sensitive and feels your pain - euthanasia cure often applied. Roll over Ian Fleming - chiminey sweeps are required by law to check all domiciles for carbon monoxide and clean chimineys so people do not die like 300 Belgians annually - it's the LAW and TAXES cover it for FREE. Even if somebody tells you "DO" don't do it...it's an American bad joke promoted by Antifa Clubs of America. Stay away from jolly people with bruised and or bleeding knuckles. They probably fist fought someone and you could be next. Say you need a rest room "I gotta PEE! "and leave quietly and quickly. Whatever you do or whereever you are - IF you sing the "O Say Can You See" National Anthem - Antifa Club members could beat you up, etc. Don't make your gas tank EMPTY speeding on freeways or desert highways since stranded cars/drivers are easy prey for gangs foreign and domestic. Never walk in bicucle paths especially in California because the gangs of bollards will get you especially close to boulevards and other streets. Never be late for appointments with groups of people. Some arriving on time or altogether too late have been known to be thrown from windows or tossed down stairs - for being tardy. Breaches of conduct and insults will not be tolerated. Leave shoes, and other footwear at the entrance since tracking in dirt is frowned upon. Offenders have been slapped, buffed, and even kicked and given indoor slippers. In an antifa member's home - many have a gas or electric chain saw especially for offenders and a washable cloth "garage "closet" for easy cleanup. Never have a DRINK of anything without offering a toast. This is so offensive that beer and whiskey bottles have been broken. http://irs-privates.blogspot.com/2018/10/never-thot-id-see-day.html ALL of above plus IRS agencies AND "Never Thought I'd See the Day" blog. FUNNY. https://irs-privates.blogspot.com/2018/10/never-thot-id-see-day.html?showComment=1539454230742#c4086154525066648130 PLUS COMMENTS Ocrah Wonafree shattered the "Glass Ceiling" by becoming a "Thousand-aire", then a millionaire - then a billionaire - because she's a woman and America is soooo racist and rigged so people fail.She turned her film roles into "gigs with legs" and got "deals" the everything "snowballed" because America is such a guilt-ridden racist Capitalist hellhole. NO, we do not credit Harvey Winestein with Oprah Wonfree's rapid ascent to BILLIONAIRE-dom. But 'tis said that FIRST MILLION...is the hardest. Now look under your chair and if you have the picture of a car under there - YOU win a car!!! RIDE that is...a free trip to our sponsors' place!!! Jes (sica) Keeding This is a LIST of FAMOUS PERSONS with mis-spelled names... and several who are NOT ALL THAT FAMOUS. Heralaya Aldene Madagin Halfbrite Simoniz Askewnoquest Marty Barrall Patriciaz Bathesphere Elizabethian Blackburnt Ursulagot Burnsalot Candida Cainet Hilllarious Rodim Clintone Imalean Vodca Collins Kellyanne Conway Twiggy Dominique initaly Crennetine Stacey Keechy Cunninghamil Moinerda Davistein Ellena Dun DeGenerez Gabby Hays Douglasfir Rital Dover Anne Gotte Dunwordy Avan DuVernait Sylviaz Mothered Earlegreytea Agetha Franstein Melindaz Atha Gates Saltina Gomerez Damyaferthat U. Gupta Nikki Halez Commet Carlita Haysdent Maziet Hironomona Maetzy Jamesonic Youngz Jeans Kinglear Leep Maya Playa Lincoln Loretta Lynnie Lynchburger Rachelz Madnow Rita West Morenot Rachel T. Morrisonica Jennifern Yakov Nelsonia Ilhanie Omart Shariff Danicin Patrickini Nancy Palositano Michelle Phanitene Issat Raeg Ornot Shondana Rhimesometimes Loriy Robins Danican Roemista Sheryln Sandbarge Katharine Jefferts Schori Cindy Shermanville Kathryn Smithonian Kathryne Sullidagin Lindsey Van Dang Lenacan Waithear Brabara Walterson Alicen Watershire Geisha Girl Williamson Sereno William Ocrah Wonfree Janet Benita Yelling Alilie Elklodge And several million more who got famous, got olde died young or rode off into the sunset on a Harley to California or Lewiston Maine or Lewiston, Washington or even leavin', lovin' and livin' for Kokomo in the Keys. Disclaimer: The namz were changt to pertect the innerscent. Lagal Eagalez maid meet do it Ackshully we stand behind the womens' movement..We gaze evert upward toward the goal wherever it is moved ans we fell yore pine. Not to worry as resilence is fertile and all your basses are belong to us.Even the one that sings,"Take me to the river -drop me in the waaaater." Have a flippant And a doris day -come what mae. The notion that women might menstruate in orbit drove the whole place up the wall.’ Kathryn Sullivan (At least in the femininist anti-male ideology since sge forgot that all humans share the body waste functions so WHY would the fact that - from the Rollong Stones" "Only women bleed" which is not completely true since men "leak" as well from no-clotting blood inheritances to accidents to violence." So much for the Kat Sully contribution. When that lady astronaut teacher was sent on a space mission - she probably had to remember to "bring her own lids". No douby Limbaugh's "syncronized menstrual periods for Amazon women worriors" really dented "The Kat's armour".

Friday, April 27, 2018


FIRST a bit of HUMOUR! Help!...I was "grudged" and shafted in San Francisco (SF) because of complaining while STILL in the hotel or motel or whatever it was...how DUMB was that...very DUMB...well Mr Picky-Picky...if you don't like $5 wine shots and warm beer in cold bottles...just beg for a new card key to get into your room, meathead, and clean the jelly off your own doorknob, you ingrate! And YES, we will "forget" to clean you room and provide fresh towels! BTW...go "diss" yourself" for all of us workin' stiffs here at the Whatsoever Hotel! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Now - on with the more SERIOUS er VERY SERIOUS...er stuff! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Knowing Mexicans, having seen a few dozen in a number of states - they are gloating/bragging about "chingalay" of Trump for saying "they" were going to pay for the wall...then not building it straightaway instead of many useless prototypes away from border. To them, this is like cooking chili and dumping it on the ground in a hole and burying the chili. They are "getting even" in spades for the "WALL IS COMING! THE WALL IS COMING!! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Mexicans are quietly shafting Trump and 338,000,000 other people by allowing illegals to cross through Mexico for bribes or for mean-ness getting even with Trump. "We" need to load 400-500 of them at a time on huge airplanes and :free trip" them to Chiapas, lower Mexico making "emergency" landings to deposit them in that splendorous land of plenty. Our huge planes can fly out to sea and back in to land in Chiapas or even later below the Mexican border in Panama or someplace to "take these illegal people" back "mostly" from wence they came. These "CARAVAN illegal aliens" are MEXICO'S REVENGE for Trump talking about a wall to stiffle their srug trade and getting rid of problem people. As it is, Mexicans can release their felonious "reformed convicts" and say."Go NORTH Young CRIMINAL" in Having no more bmordita or little bite bribe money to re-cross, MOST of them would go back to El Salvador,etc. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT About that "glorified horse****" file AKA,"The Russian Dossier". TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Christopher Steele, AKA STEEL-"E", a former British intelligence officer, now director of a London private security-and-investigations firm named Orbis, has been identified as the author of the dossier of unverified allegations about President-elect Donald Trump’s activities and connections in Russia, according to the Wall Street Journal. He allegedly prepared the file as a front for the DNC and Hillary Clinton under contract to both Republican Establishment and Democratic adversaries of then-candidate Trump. But the poor grammar and spelling of certain words coupled with the author’s use of KGB-style intelligence reporting, do not conform to the image of a high-end London security company operated by highly connected former British intelligence agents. Did Steele deliberately not edit major portions so that Russian document scholars in the US could figure out who actually wrote the dossier's contents which Steele added his notes to? TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Steele's "neglect" of editing away tell-tale Russian authorship was intended , perhaps, to authenticate the major portions but people who have read several Russian propaganda dossiers previously circulated gratis since authors were already paid Russian operatives, probably with KGB connections. People who STUDY Russian propaganda are STILL scratching their heads as to HOW ANYBODY AT ALL - could take Russian propaganda SO SERIOUSLY AND pay a lot of MONEY...LONG GREEN....for it when it was formerly FREE. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT This was a calculated plan to LEND CREDENCE to an otherwise IGNORED AS "Bravo Sierra (BS Official Clandestine Document) TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Online at: https://www.documentcloudDOTorg/documents/3259984-Trump-Intelligence-Allegations.html TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT At this site is a PDF file of the 30-page typewritten report that alleges that "high" Kremlin officials colluded with Donald J. Trump, and attempted to bribe Trump with multi-billion dollar pipe-dream-but-well-illustrated-perhaps --schemes. OF COURSE, ONLY A TOTAL NITWIT, OLFISH, BRAINLESS, IMBECILE - would DISCUSS ANYTHING besides,"THIS ROOM TOO EXPENSIVE - I GIVE YOU $30 (or whatever) PER DAY FOR IT - NO MORE OR I LEAVE TODAY! This MIGHT be expected SINCE MONEY TALKS and Hillary Clinton WALKS! WHY would AN ORDINARY TOURIST TO RUSSIA ever TRY to "Make a deal" for ANYTHING OF VALUE - KNOWING FULL WELL - that EVERYTHING a FOREIGNER SAYS and DOES is - RECORDED AND/OR MONITORED by "Officials". TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT RUSSIA is a country where "sidewalk SPITTING" may be deemed a SERIOUS CRIME" IF the officials who see the spitting - can get it on VIDEO TAPE!!! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT THIS JUST IN!!! SEARS of Chicago is GOING - GOING - selling its FINAL Chicago Store! Any number of REASONS for its DEMISE...even a BAD 2009-2016 - can be downloaded onto that erstwhile man-about-town-hanging-out-on-the-SOUTHSIDE-of-CHICAGO - former US President? TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT To be FAIR...SEARS LOST MOST OF ITS CATALOGUE SALES BY MAILORDER and did not change with the times FAST ENOUGH - to make up the SLACK. What is to be done with the FAMOUS SEARS TOWER that was once the tallest BUILDING IN Mid-AMERICA? DUNNO - CAN'T SAY... TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT NOW BACK TO that DOSSIER and all the smelly and salacious C**p that it contains... TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT YES, DEAR HEARTS...that THIN EXPENSIVE for the DNC and HILLARY CLINTON crock 'o' DUNG --has "compromising evidence of Trump’s alleged sexual escapades in Russia for possible blackmail in the year 2525?. A quick scan reveals that the dossier "of ill repute" appears to source from former British intelligence officers "who may have known a lot of hookers...which gives it a lot of credence especially with Orbis’ claim of a “global network.” WE THOUGHT ORBIS was "CHEWING GUM". The U.S. "intelligence" community has allegedly examined the allegations but COULD NOT confirm any of the SALACIOUS and scandalous - "NOTES". After months and months and months of investigations, the conclusion has been that the material is not verifiable. For all we know, the sexual exploits are Russian prostitute mythology and the bribery is like so many other Russian propaganda ploys - carefully contrived and "salted" with big names like Hollywood name-droppers do to impress tourists and promote gossip. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Although Fox News and others continue to discuss and over-use word collusion, for a profusion of confusion and dire disillusion...the President-elect Trump has dismissed the dossier’s contents as false and even sued Mueller to shut down this perpetual and seemingly unending slander. As the "very mention" of bribery is patently ridiculous and would have emptied Russia's treasury, so that even the Kremlin has dismissed the glorified propaganda file as "not true". and the Kremlin would LIKE the world to THINK that it had the LIMITLESS FUNDS to offer such a bribe.. Trump has been very patient but he is right: The "Orbis dossier" is indeed fake news and enough is enough. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT The "dossier" has been examined by knowledgeable persons who have studied and visited Russia and the Soviet Union professionally and extensively since 1960s. Of course, these people WILL NOT COME FORWARD since another "informer whistle-blower" called that rich guy...became an example, it is so OBVIOUS FOR ANYONE familiar with "the guy's fate". Scholarly intellectuals with wide circles of friends and acquaintances in Russia, follow the Russian press regularly have personally witnessed the creation in the early 90s of Russia’s giant energy especially the oil industry. Many experts have written and co-authored reports for the U.S. State Department, U.S. Congress, and the intelligence community and are therefore somewhat acquainted with Russian machinations. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Although Russia did experiment with a bit of transparency in the early to late 1990s, Russia regressed to its non-transparent system of rule that deliberately conceals its inner workings. Outsiders and even most insiders - must seek subtle but tell-take signs and signals. On the other hand, Russians and Russian experts are gossip junkies who swap and spread watercooler-gossip stories of who is up and coming career-wise and who is fast-tracking to oblivion - to just about anyone who is unwise enough to listen and believe them. Like a drowning man, outside researchers must grab at floatsum to research and write their scholarly articles and books. Thus the increased openness of nowadays Russia, makes observers resort to Kremlinology in an attempt to fathom how Putin’s Russian kleptocracy functions. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT The Orbis report pretends to know and condense all the ins-and-outs and comings-and-goings within Putin’s inscrutable and cloaked Kremlin. Using information from anonymous “trusted compatriots,” “knowledgeable sources,” “former intelligence officers,” and “ministry of foreign affairs officials,” the report gives an insiders' virtual view of nearly every happenstance allegedly associated with Donald Trump’s Russian connections. The report claims to know the unknowable as it relates raunchy stories about hookers, “golden showers,” bribes, arguments in Putin’s inner power circle, and who keeps control of the dossiers of kompromat (compromising information). TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Two possible explanations for the insider claims of the Orbis report are: Its author (who is not the illustrious Mr. Steele for the first two dozen pages or so) or as Fusion COD claims THREE authors - decided to write fiction, or rounded up sufficient scuttlebutt gossip for a 30-page report, or a combination of the two. The Orbis report author(s)has (or have) one more advantage in the knowledge that what being written about was completely and totally unverifiable. He (or they) promote himself (or themselves) as the only Kremlin inner-circle person(s) with enough “reliable” contacts to explain in these unverifiable details - just what is really going within Vladimir Putin’s office. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT It has been "outed" that researchers who have studied the extensive microfilm collection of Soviet documents in the Hoover Institution Archives, can safely say that the dossier itself was compiled by a Russian or perhaps Russians, whose command of English is imperfect and who doggedly go by the KGB (presently called FSB) practice of writing dis-informational intelligence reports for the consumption of "uninitiated" readers who will believe just about ANYTHING. in this "style-ology" especially noteable is the practice facilitating reference by capitalizing all names. The report lists Putin’s inner circle by name consisting of Peskov, Ivanov, Sechin, and Lavrov. The anonymous author(s) claim(s) to have “trusted compatriots” who were fully aware of each Kremelin insider's role, including Putin himself, in the Trump election saga and were prepared to tell him. (The ALL-SEEING-ALL-KNOWING ONES really have the poop and the latest SCOOP - for said POOP. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT The Orbis report spins the tale of Putin insiders, personally and piously and painstakingly - spurred on by Vlad Putin himself, engaging in a five-year courtship with hugs and kisses - of Donald Trump in which they offer him lucrative real estate deals that he rejects but leaves himself open to blackmail as a result of sexual escapades with prostitutes in St. Petersburg and Moscow (the famous “golden shower” incident). Despite his reluctance to enter into lucrative business deals, Trump “and his inner circle have accepted regular intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals,” according to the Orbis report. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT HMM...according to "Rolling Stones' Scholars - YOU-KNOW WHO -"hung around St. Petersburg"...etc etc. Just the mention of St. Petersburg is MORE THAN enough to demonize Trump for some people. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT This story makes no sense whatsoever. In 2011, when the courtship of Trump supposedly began, Trump was a very busy, hard-working TV personality and beauty pageant impresario. DID TRUMP HOP INTO AN SR-rocket plane and FLY TO RUSSIA? DID he MAGICALLY RE_FUEL the craft - and fly back very quickly so as not to be missed doing his TV show week-in-and-week out? Or did the RUSSIANS FERRY HIM IN A FLYING SAUCER BACK AND FORTH? Neither in the U.S. or Russia would anyone of authority anticipate that Trump would one day become the presidential candidate of a major U.S. political party, making him the target of Russian intelligence. Or did they "VISIT RUSSIAN HOOKERS WHO TOLD FORTUNES AS A SIDELINE? to find out Trump would TRIUMPH FIVE YEARS LATER from his meetings in 2011 when he was a busy TV star. OH - A TIME MACHINE WOULD EXPLAIN EVERYTHING...does MUELLER have a "TIME MACHINE". Maybe Mueller could "Go back in time" and verify DINOSAURS! Maybe Mueller could decide to STAY with said DINOSAURS! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT The Orbis report claims, that as the election neared July 2016, Igor Sechin, Putin’s right-hand man and CEO of Rosneft (Russia’s national oil company) offered Trump a deal that defies belief. The quote: TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT “Speaking to a trusted compatriot in mid-October 2015, a close associate of Rosneft President and PUTIN ally Igor SECHIN elaborated on the reported secret meeting between the latter and Carter PAGE, of US Republican presidential candidate's foreign policy team, in Moscow in July 2016. The secret had been confirmed to him/her by a senior member of staff, in addition to the Rosneft President himself…Sechin’s associate said that the Rosneft President was so keen to lift personal and corporate Western sanctions imposed on the company, that he offered PAGE associates the brokerage of up to a 19 per cent (privatized) stake in Rosneft in return PAGE had expressed interest and confirmed that were TRUMP elected US president, then sanctions on Russia would be lifted.” TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT This story is complete and utter nonsense, not worthy of a wacky conspiracy theory alongside an alien invasion of Earth "from the stars!". TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT FURTHER "JIVE TALK" has an offer for Trump either ALL of, or a brokerage commission on, the market value of 19.5% of Rosneft shares—even a 6 percent commission on $12 billion worth of Rosneft shares would amount to an astonishing $720 million. This would deplete the cash that Putin desperately needed for military spending and budget deficits. OR WAIT FOR IT - WAIT FOR IT! - The Iranians COULD PAY THE $720 million out of their 13 TONS OF GOLD they were to receive "IN THE FUTURE" allegedly. FOR ALL THIS BAFFLEGAB JIVE - all in return for a promise to lift sanctions if—and what a big “if”—Trump were elected and much of the WORLD THOUGHT HILLARY CLINTON WOULD WIN. Rosneft, as a public company, would have to conceal the DEAL that the U.S. president was a DEALER IN this major transaction. This supercalifragilistically remarkable secret-of-secrets seems to be TRUSTED WITH an Orbis “trusted compatriot," who is also a senior member of Igor Sechin’s staff, and told by Sechin himself. Would James COMEY DECLARE UNDER OATH that "there are a lot of loose lips in Rosneft offices"? TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT The SUPER Clandestine narrative of the alleged bribe was SCOOPED UP by the Russian liberal press directly from the Orbis report without any comment but with a big question marks in the title “A 10.5 billion Euro bribe? Vladimire Putin and Igor Sechin gave Trump 19.5% of Rosneft shares? This "SUSPICIOUS JIVE-LADEN" story has given Putin’s feeble and weak opposition - the chance to accuse Putin of at least SCHEMING TO WASTE hundreds of millions of DOLLARS in Russian national treasure on an inane and stupid bribe ON THE OUTSIDE CHANCE that a "dark horse" to American politics would actually WIN in 2016 IF he was lucky enough to secure the Republican nomination - in the first place? TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT MAYBE the people who believe the dossier should WAIT AND SEE Putin riding a HORSE backwards - to see where he has been! The humongous bribe for the OUTSIDE CHANCE that Trump would FLY IN ON AN SR-15 rocket jet AND win the 2016 election so he could lift the sanctions makes Nikita Khrushchev’s hare-brained schemes that got him fIRED - look patently plausible and reasonable. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT One of the few rare and verifiable facts in the Orbis report is the key role played by Trump’s “personal lawyer” Michael Cohen. Did Hillary Clinton FEED this to lend credence to this outlandish tale of MONEY_GRUBBING MACHINATIONS that remind one of the Clinton Foundation's erstwhile machinations. Michael Cohen who is pleading "the FIFTH" rather than "Clinton around" with 48 "I cannot recalls" like an Alzheimer's patient- purportedly took over the negotiation of the Igor Sechin deal on Trump's behalf...with or without FLYING TO RUSSIA IN AN SR-15 rocket-jet. But when the Kremlin got reluctant to pursue its computer hacking campaign, the Kremlin relied upon Cohen, with his "MAGIC COMPUTER SKILLS" to hide the operation, then meet with the Kremlin’s Presidential Administration. Then the multi-talented and multi-lingual genius Cohen would make illicit payments to silence and relocate the talented computer hackers to Bulgaria. A very important meeting was in Prague in August of 2016 with the multi-talented and multi-lingual Cohen along with three colleagues. The clandestine and very sneaky meetings transpired in the offices of a Russian quasi-state organization, Rossotrudnichestvo. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT [Background on Russo etc etc: Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, & International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudichestvo) was established in accordance w/ the Presidential Decree № 1315 of September 6, 2008.] TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Cohen has denied any such meetings with the Kremlin Presidential administration and claims never to have visited Prague. According to the Orbis report, Cohen engaged in potentially criminal activities, i.e. illicit payoffs to computer hackers and the buying of their silence. Cohen is NOT amused to be accused since he is an honorable man, carefully selected by Trump to represent him, but not in ridiculous capers and crimes that would make Hillary Clinton gloat, accuse, and blame - in her allegedly ghostwritten book, just "What (the Hell) Happened (Anyway?" TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Another fabulous and far-fetched - claim of the "high jiving and fast-driving) Orbis report is that Vladimir Putin personally directed Russia’s intervention in the 2016 campaign. Orbis - “The TRUMP operation was both supported and directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Its aim was to sow discord both within the U.S. itself, but more especially within the Transatlantic alliance.” The Orbis report claims that Putin personally controlled the dossier compiled on Hillary Clinton and held by his spokesperson, Peskov. He ordered that any disposition of the Clinton file would be decided by him personally. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT COMMENT: Judging by the fiction placed on Trump - Hillary Clinton MUST have "an innocent-and-pure-as-the-west-wind-driven-snow" - file. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT The Orbis report seemingly was written, in the opinions of experts on Russian propaganda - not by an ex British intelligence officer but by a Russian well-trained in the old KGB tradition. The report is chock-full of names, dates, meetings, quarrels, and events that are sheer and completely unverifiable hearsay. One is supposedly an overheard by eves-dropping conversation. The entire report is a compilation of “this important person” told this to “another important person.” But there is no record; no informant is identified by name or by more than a generic title, supposedly "understandably to be read-between-the-lines & protect the leakers". The report appears to become a farce especially in the one instance of a purported meeting in which names, dates, and location are duly provided. Some of the narratives are so strange and bizarre such as the Rosneft bribe- that they are even laughable.. Nevertheless, some media and Trump opponents in both political parties - want to swallow the implausable and exhaustive gambit and paint the Orbis report as the real deal and genuine but unverifiable. These people would truly believe in the "tiny but smelly monkeys that exist to launch themselves from the bowels of errant school children"! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Unfortunately the Orbis report may have influenced the intelligence community’s unclassified report. Leaks of classified portions of the Orbis report by NBCNews and the Washington Post peg the findings as partly based on British intelligence and spies. Part of the overall effect is to emphasize Putin’s role, which the intelligence report said was direct influence. Is this is a matter the Trump Administration needs investigate, not likely, since the whole Orbis thing as more "holes than a 5 Kg wheel of Swiss cheese." TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT It is would make "a statue of Thomas Jefferson weep" to know that an anonymous report, full of weird, outlandish and bizarre statements, GRABS the NOTICE of the world media because it puts a shadow over the legitimacy of a duly-elected President, who has not been evidenced to have done ANY of the purported MISCHIEF. The Trump dossier has been the lead item on German state television and on BBC. False news by a lying and deceitful media has become America’s international export "impregnating" the world's media with lies. The offspring of this "union" will be terrible to behold! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT And Mueller will be UNFLUSHABLE for the duration of Trump's tenure and Trump's second term. The US media, for the most part, is likened to a ravenous, half-starved dog in a chicken-less but droppings-ful -BARNYARD. The media just engorges itself continually. Most of the print media has already died. Even Fox with its 53% anti-Trump rating - may ingest a lethal amount of feces and EXPIRE! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Well - here's to watching One America Online when FOX is repeating endlessly and has too many "Juan Williams' types who say DRIVEL like Firing Comey was a MISTAKE! Had Comey been working to ol' Juan - Juan would have fired Comey in a heartbeat.