Sunday, May 25, 2014
Is Same old Same Old
NOBODY pays any attention to Hollywood hypocracy sooooo
Fully aware as president, Ronald Reagan understood the powerful, negative impact taxes have on the American family. Reagan knew that time spent working at extra jobs to pay taxes is time spent away from the family, time robbed from children, time that can never be repaid once a child has outgrown the formative years. The song,"Cat's In the Cradle" is a musical poem lamenting spending too much time working when a reasonable amount COULD and SHOULD be spent with the children. The overwhelming taxes inflicted on working Americans by the U.S. government forces parents to work two or three jobs and literally translates to children who are not read to, talked to, listened to, prayed with, hugged, or cuddled as much as they need. Some parents think gifts to children makes up for time not spent with them. Michael Reagan has mentioned the "gifts instead of time by feeling-guilty-parents on his radio show in the not-so-distant past. According to the nonpartisan Tax Foundation, the average American family now spends more on taxes than on shelter, food, clothing, and transportation combined, so much so that April 21,2014 is recognized as "Tax Freedom Day" because the money earned until that day--goes to the government! Sadly this is 3 days later than last year.
Confiscatory taxes bear a Democratic trademark. Since the inception of the federal income tax in 1914, it has been increased thirteen times under Democratic administrations. It has been reduced eight times under Republican administrations. “Why the Conservative Movement Is Growing” Southern GOP Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, December 7, 1973 I’ve been told that some members of Congress disagree with my tax cut proposal.Well, you know it’s been said that taxation is the art of plucking the feathers without killing the bird. It’s time they realized the bird just doesn’t have any feathers left.
Ronald Reagan from a time when the GOP stood for the working man/woman with TAX CUTS stated at Mid-Winter Congressional City Conference of the National League of Cities, March 2, 1981
((Money at CNN says wage earners over 45 pay 75% of ALL the INCOME TAX collected.))
Like federal employees, taxpayers also work for the government— they just don’t have to take a civil service exam. Here in America, land of opportunity, governments at all levels are taxing away 40 percent of our nation’s income. We’ve been creeping closer to socialism, a system that someone once said works only in heaven, where it isn’t needed, and in hell, where they’ve already got it.
Ronald Reagan from a time when the GOP stood for the working man/woman with TAX CUTS stated in “Federal Income Taxation,” radio address to the nation Camp David, Maryland, April 9, 1983
Socialism is workable only in heaven where it is not needed, and in hell where they've got it.
Cecil Palmer
We are socialists because we see in socialism, that is the union of all citizens, the only chance to maintain our racial inheritance and to regain our political freedom and renew our German state.
Joseph Goebbels, 1933
The sin of liberal thinking was to overlook socialism's nation-building strengths, thereby allowing its energies to go in anti-national directions. The sin of Marxism was to degrade socialism into a question of wages and the stomach, putting it in conflict with the state and its national existence. An understanding of both these facts leads us to a new sense of socialism, which sees its nature as nationalistic, state-building, liberating and constructive.
Joseph Goebbels, 1933
I am a Socialist, and a very different kind of Socialist from your rich friend, Count Reventlow. . . . What you understand by Socialism is nothing more than Marxism.
Adolf Hitler, Spoken to Otto Strasser, Berlin, May 21, 1930
Tax rates are prices— prices for working, saving, and investing. And when you raise the price of those productive activities, you get less of them and more activity in the underground economy, tax shelters, and leisure pursuits. You in small business understand that you can’t force people to buy merchandise that isn’t selling by raising your price. But too many in Washington and across the country still believe that we can raise more revenue from the economy by making it more expensive to work, save, and invest in the economy.We can’t repeal human nature.
National Federation of Independent Business conference Washington, D.C., June 22, 1983
And what about fairness for families? It’s in our families that America’s most important work gets done—raising our next generation. But over the last forty years, as inflation has shrunk the personal exemption, families with children have had to shoulder more and more of the tax burden.With inflation and bracket-creep also eroding incomes, many spouses who would rather stay home with their children have been forced to go looking for jobs.
Signing the Tax Reform Act of 1986 White House South Lawn October 22, 1986
Like Hillary Rodham Clinton in her "It Takes a Village", Melissa Harris Perry of MSNBC parrots government OWNS YOUR Children...
No nation in history has ever survived a tax burden that reached a third of its national income.
“A Time for Choosing” (a.k.a. “The Speech”) Televised address to the nation on behalf of Barry Goldwater, October 27, 1964
In 1980 the people decided with us that the economic crisis was not caused by the fact that they lived too well. Government lived too well. It was time for tax increases to be an act of last resort, not of first resort. The people told the liberal leadership in Washington, “Try shrinking the size of government before you shrink the size of our paychecks.” Acceptance speech, Republican National Convention Dallas, Texas, August 23, 1984 England may be the mother of parliaments, but from the Boston Tea Party to this administration, it’s the United States that has been the mother of tax revolts. You know, that’s a pretty good line. I can hardly wait to try it out on Margaret Thatcher.
Briefing for the American Business Conference
The White House, March 23, 1988
Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but Democrats believe every day is April 15.
Said on several occasions
Red State reporter, Steven Crowder was in Michigan in December of 2012 recording the protests as they took place. At some point, as Moe Lane reported, violent mob destroys the Americans For Prosperity (AFP) tent on the lawn of the state capital in Lansing, Michigan during protest against right to work legislation. When Crowder attempted to intervene, he was assaulted by multiple protestors with one protestor even shouting that he would “kill a mother f__ker with a gun.”
"I am saddened by union protestors' complete disregard for safety and freedom of speech, tearing down an AFP tent and stomping on peaceful AFP demonstrators trapped under the tent," AFP Michigan State Director Scott Hagerstrom stated.
"Angry, violent union protestors are yelling, screaming, and physically assaulting citizens they disagree with all while chanting 'this is what democracy looks like,'" Hagerstrom stated. "That isn't what democracy looks like, democracy is about free speech and peaceful assembly, not putting people's well-being in danger just because you disagree with them."
Ronald Reagan; Michael Reagan; James D. Denney. In the Words of Ronald Reagan: The Wit, Wisdom, and Eternal Optimism of America's 40th President (Kindle Locations 2483-2486). Thomas Nelson.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Just Need a HUG?
Pope Francis in an interview with Italian daily newspaper La Stampa was asked December 15, 2013, about Rush Limbaugh (specifically referred to as "ultraconservatives") calling his writing in Evangelii Gaudium (Latin of The Joy of the Gospel) Marxist. The Pope responded, "The Marxist ideology is wrong. But I have met many Marxists in my life who are good people, so I don't feel offended."(1)
'Pope Francis to Rush Limbaugh: I'm no Marxist, but I have known plenty of good Marxists, and they're not bad people, but I'm not one of them' or whatever [laughter]. It becomes crystal clear that the left-leaning media is beside itself, not knowing what to do. They're conflicted. They have evidenced many times that they despise the Catholic Church. They thoroughly despise it. They despise the Pope, the papacy. Not the Pope personally, but just the office.
The left-leaning media despise the Pope's office because it is the seat of modern morality and judgmentalism. It is purely pro-life and anti-abortion. It is anti-gay marriage, and yet the media's jealousy, envy, hatred for "ultraconservatives in general and ONE specifically," has driven them into the arms of the Pope. Not only that but the left-leaning media is livid at the same time that the pope deigned or condescended person to person to respond to a talk show host. That has them riled, ruffle-feathered, and ticked off. They name Pope Francis 'Man of the Year' simply because he attacks capitalism and "chaps Limbaugh's onions", so to speak.
"But they have now been unwittingly driven into the arms of the Catholic Church."(2)
Apparently, left-leaning US media saw the Pope's retort that in rejecting the liberal theory of “trickle-down economics”, which claims that an increase of wealth trickles down to those who are poorer, but the Pope insists that he did not become a Marxist as a result. This “trickle-down economics” has been linked to Ronald (Renaldus Magnus) Reagan -- for years. Perhaps it was an over-simplification on Reagan's part referring to the fact that booms in a local economy "trickle-down" through the entire local economy. Some even say that every time a local employer's personnel get a raise, items purchased rise in price BUT that could just be local fluctuations in gas availability and other factors creating inflation. Of course, when one group GAINS, another group wants a "piece of that pie" and that's what envious rumors often bring about in "another group", i.e. class-envious liberals. And it is human nature to have SOME sort of mechanism to raise prices BEFORE inflation SHORTS one business to the advantage of another.
It is a well-known fact that every year thousands of desperate Canadians seek medical care outside of the country’s single-payer health care system, when the system runs out of money and stalls out, resulting in long delays. According a report from a Canadian free-market think tank, Fraser Institute, found that 41,838 Canadians sought south-of-the-border US care as “medical tourists” in 2013 and were seeking care outside Canada. Although there were slightly fewer people fleeing the Canadian health system in 2013 than the previous year, the number leaving still amounts to nearly one percent of medical patients in Canada, apparently those not so "tapped out financially" that the cannot "hop a plane or bus" and pay a US doctor for services rendered.
Popularly known as "Canucks". they left their hockey-loving homeland to skip long wait times and inferior care that characteristically plagues their centralized health system.
Of course, this 1% creates a faster line for those stuck with that inferior care that will be happening to Americans unless Obamacare is repealed. American doctors MAY have to set up clinics in Mexico or further south to accept these Canucks and their fellow Americans seeking to "keep their doctors" and avoid the doctors stuck with Obamacare, which certainly willl not be the creme-de-la-creme of the medical profession since THOSE with the "ways and means" will have quit or fled elsewhere.
Andrew Carnegie Rachel Carson Fidel Castro Coco Chanel Charlie Chaplin Agatha Christie Sir Winston Churchill Cassius Clay (a.k.a. Muhammad Ali) Marie Curie Czar Nicholas II , John Denver Jim Ed Brown Beatles Eagles
Elizabeth Blackwell
Bonnie and Clyde Janelle (Money) Monáe, Samuel Lottamoney Jackson, {Led-z) Ledisi John (Iwishiwaza) Legend DJ (Hopalong) Cassidy Bouncy Beyoncé Stevie (The) Wonder Angela (Angel) Bassett Ashley (Canley) Judd Gayle (Isowannabe) King. Billie Jean (Iwannabe) King Alonzo Ben Mourning (Igotta)Magic Johnson, Emmitt Kelly Smith and Ahmad (Sobad) Rashad Paul (Maky) McCartney, Jennifer (Onda) Hudson, Bill and Hillary (Clinscum) Clinton Facebook’s Sheryl (Karl) Sandberg Google’s Eric (Smitty) Schmidt, Disney honcho Bob (Corncob) Iger, 32 Advisors of Ill Repute and Tasteless Humor Robert {Wolfy)Wolf, American Express CEO Kenneth (Che) Chenault, Blackstone COO Tony (Ricky) James, (Zebra) Jay-Z Blue Ivy Carlyle Group co-founder David (Ruby Hellina) Rubenstein, Haim (Iam) Saban, Donna (Ibelieve) Karan Right Rev. Al (Stories) Sharpton. Perez (Bentooda) Hilton who was not invited called Jesse Jackson a douche nozzle because Jesse (Hy) Jackson wanted to "cut Obama's nuts" when he did not receive proper payback see Youtube vid of Jesse to right of the unknown commentater.Fox News, covering for Jackson did not reveal every one of the 'crude' things Jesse Jackson said about Barack Obama into that 'hot' Fox mic last week. Well, a new report says that in addition to the infamous "nuts cutting" comment Jackson also said the following: "Barack…he's talking down to black people…telling n*****s how to behave." - Some guys and even some gals enjoy hors d’oeuvres possibly French ones. VP Joe (Biteme) Biden and a lot of dopplegangers substituting for real people who had other things to do. Jennifer (Onda) Hudson, a rule-breaker possible outlaw, broke cardinal rule of no social media and made a tweet later in wee hours saying, “We had such a good time with the 1st family in dc tonight!” sometime in January of 2014. Bo Diddley not there but dog named for him was. Also not invited was Canadian Justin (Just-in-a-beer-bar) Bieber Jenelle Evans Amber Heard Matt Bomer Boomer Borner Gilian (Island) Anderson Raven (Simon) Symone Jonathan (Brokit) Bennett Ian (Magellan) McKellan Sarah Paulson Portia De (Loaded 38) Rossi Anne Leibovitz Lady (OneGa) Sovereign Matt (Fort Worth) Dallas Suze (Soozy) Orman Nathan (Primrose) Lane Zachary (Taylor) Quinto David (Jekelan) Hyde (Shanghi) Pierce Ricky (Sticky) Martin Cynthia (Iamnotacrook)Nixon Victor (Gotta) Garber Jason (Calme) Collins Jonathan (Tommy) Knight
Chip Roame (Managing Partner, Tiburon Strategic Advisors, formed 1998 to offer market reasearch to senior execs in brokerage investment management)
Blaine Aikin (CEO, Fiduciary 360)
David Akellian (Executive Vice President, Custom Clearing Services, LPL Financial)
John Alshefski (Business Head, Business Development, Investment Manager Services, SEI Investments)
Daniel Applegarth (Chief Financial Officer, NorthStar Financial Services Group)
Andy Arenberg (Global Business Head, ETF Distribution, Russell Investments)
Rob Arnott (CEO, Research Affiliates)
Marion Asnes (Chief Marketing Officer, Envestnet)
Chuck Baldiswieler (CEO, TCW Funds)
David Ballard (Chief Information Officer, Advisor Group, American International Group (AIG))
Atindra Barua (CEO, TrustFort)
Tony Batman (CEO, 1st Global Capital Corporation)
Dave Baum (Partner, Investment Products & Services Group, Alston & Bird)
Ed Beggs (CEO, Laser App Software)
Don Black (Business Head, Marketing & Communications, Barron's)
Stephanie Bogan (CEO, Quantuvis Consulting)
Joe Bottazzi (Executive Vice President, Business Development, Edelman Financial Services)
John Bunch (President, Retail Distribution, TD Ameritrade)
Yvette Butler (Business Head, Wells Fargo Advisor Solutions)
Gidon Caine (Partner, Securities Litigation, Alston & Bird)
Bruce Cameron (CEO, Berkshire Capital Securities)
Frank Campanale (CEO, First Allied Wealth Management)
David Canter (Executive Vice President, Practice Management, Fidelity Institutional Wealth Services)
Christian Chan (Business Head, Investments, Wells Fargo Funds)
Lenny Chang (Co-Founder, Focus Financial Partners)
Dave Chun (CEO, Equilar)
Carolyn Clancy (Executive Vice President, Funds Network, Fidelity Investments)
Bernie Clark (Executive Vice President, Advisor Services, The Charles Schwab Corporation)
John Cochran (Managing Director, Lovell Minnick Partners)
Steve Cohen (Chief Strategy Officer, ProShares)
David Conover (President, EverBank Wealth Management)
Ron Cordes (Co-Chairman, Genworth Financial Wealth Management)
Trish Cox (Business Head, Schwab Corporate Brokerage Services, The Charles Schwab Corporation)
John Coyne (President, Brinker Capital)
Jon Curtis (Managing Director, Bridge Street Advisors)
Jeff Cusack (President, Intermediary Distribution, Forward Management)
Scott David (Business Head, Third-Party Distribution, T. Rowe Price Group)
Surajeet Deka (Executive Vice President, TrustFort)
Stuart DePina (CEO, Tamarac)
Jeffrey Dunham (CEO, Dunham & Associates)
Ric Edelman (Co-CEO, The Edelman Financial Group)
Randy Epright (Chief Operating Officer, Advisor Group, American International Group (AIG))
Mike Everett (Chief Marketing Officer, My Vest Corporation)
Steve Finn (Chairman, Trust Company of America)
Tom Florence (CEO, 361 Capital)
Rob Foregger (Chief Strategy Officer, Personal Capital Corporation)
Chris Frieden (Partner, Financial Services & Products, Alston & Bird)
Rick Frisbie (Chief Administrative Officer, Franklin Templeton Investments)
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Dave Goerz (Chief Investment Officer, High Mark Capital Management)
Debby Goldberg (Business Head, Development, Pro Publica)
Craig Gordon (President, RBC Correspondent & Advisor Services)
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Neesha Hathi (Chief Operating Officer, Schwab Performance Technologies)
Gary Holland (Publisher, Barron's)
Dave Hubbard (President, Exemplar Financial Network)
Rich Hunter (Chief Financial Officer, Commonwealth Financial Network)
Cliff Jack (Chief Distribution Officer, Jackson National Life Insurance Company)
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Rajini Kodialam (Co-Founder, Focus Financial Partners)
Paul Koontz (General Partner, Foundation Capital)
Michael Larsen (Business Head, Affiliate Relations, Research Affiliates)
Marshall Levin (Partner, Beacon Strategies)
Janet Lamkin (President, State of California, Bank of America Corporation)
Chuck Lewis (CEO, My Vest Corporation)
Matt Lynch (CEO, Capital Analysts)
Norman Mains (Chief Risk Officer, Forward Management)
JC Massar (Chairman, Capital International Financial Services, Capital Group Companies)
Pat McClain (Co-CEO, Hanson McClain)
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Dennis McDonald (Business Head, Product Development, Individual Products, TIAA-CREF Financial Services)
Kirk Michie (President, Triton Pacific Securities)
Viggy Mokkarala (Executive Vice President, Sales & Client Service, Envestnet)
Ed Moore (President, Edelman Financial Services)
Randy Moore (Partner, Financial Services & Products Group, Alston & Bird)
Mike Mulcahy (President, Bridgeway Funds)
John Murray (Chief Information Officer, Genworth Financial Wealth Management)
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Jim Nagengast (CEO, Securities America)
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Mark Nerud (CEO, Jackson National Management)
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Bill O'Grady (Managing Director, Strategic Planning, Alpha One Capital Partners)
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Jim Polisson (CEO, Global Exchange Traded Fund Business, Russell Investments)
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Alex Potts (CEO, Loring Ward Group)
Andy Putterman (CEO, Fortigent)
Arvind Ramnani (Business Head, US Technology Equity Research, UBS)
David Reich (Executive Vice President, LPL Financial Retirement Partners)
Alan Reid (CEO, Forward Management)
Neal Ringquist (President, Advisor Software)
Tony Rochte (Senior Managing Director, North American Intermediary Business Group, State Street Global Advisors)
John Rooney (Managing Principal, Commonwealth Financial Network)
Larry Roth (CEO, Advisor Group, American International Group (AIG))
Andrew Rudd (CEO, Advisor Software)
Rich Santos (Group Publisher, Registered Rep & Trust & Estates, Wealth Management Group, Penton Media)
Michael Sapir (CEO, ProShares)
Paul Schaeffer (Business Head, Strategy & Thought Leadership, Forward Management)
Skip Schweiss (President, TD Ameritrade Trust Company)
Bill Sharpe (Professor Emeritus, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University)
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Babu Sivadasan (Executive Vice President, Engineering, Envestnet)
David Smith (Group Publisher, Financial Advisor & Private Wealth Magazines)
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Paul Steiger (CEO, Pro Publica)
Tom Steinberger (Business Head, Business Development, Pensco Trust Company)
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Peter Sundman (CEO, Clear Bridge Advisors)
Jon Sundt (CEO, Altegris Investments)
Marie Swift (CEO, Impact Communications)
Susan Theder (Chief Marketing Officer, Cetera Financial Group)
Leno Toich (Co-CEO, Informa Investment Solutions)
Nicolo Torre (Chief Investment Officer, Advisor Software)
Doug Townsend (Chief Operating Officer, Jackson National Life Distributors)
Frank Trotter (President, EverBank Direct)
Enrique Vasquez (CEO, Genworth Financial Investment Services)
Mitch Vigeveno (CEO, Turning Point)
Steve Warren (Chief Operating Officer, My Vest Corporation)
Gib Watson (CEO, Prima Capital Management)
Scott Welch (Senior Managing Director, Investment Research & Strategy, Fortigent)
Alan Werba (Chairman, Loring Ward)
Jim Wiandt (CEO, Index Universe)
Craig Wietz (President, First Rate Investment Systems)
Spencer Williams (CEO, Rollover Systems)
Michael Winnick (Business Head, Strategic Partnerships & US Intermediary Distribution, Russell Investment Group)
Emmett Wright (Chief Investment Officer, Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Company)
Janet Levaux (Managing Editor, Research Magazine)
Brooke Southall (Editor-in-Chief, RIA Biz)
Jennifer Tekneci (Reporter, Merger Markets)
Molly Brown Jim Jones
Johnny Cash
Rick Nelson
Benny Goodman
Louie (Sachmo) Armstrong
Jane Addams
Muhammad Ali
Stephen Ambrose
Louis Armstrong
Joan Baez
Josephine Baker
Clyde Barrow
Dorothy Dandridge Deep Throat Diana, Princess of Wales Joe DiMaggio
Amelia Earhart Evita Thomas Edison Albert Einstein Elizabeth Queen Elvis Presley
Fala Fubu Enrico Fermi Gerald R. Ford Henry Ford Dian Fossey Anne Frank Sigmund Freud
Yuri Gagarin Mohandas Gandhi Theodor Seuss Geisel Emma Goldman Jane Goodall Mikhail Gorbachev Cary Grant Che (the Killing Machine) Guevara
Warren G. Harding Ernest Hemingway Audrey Hepburn Alfred Hitchcock Adolf Hitler Harry Houdini Howard Hughes Saddam (So Damn Insane) Hussein
Helen Keller Grace Kelly Jackie Kennedy
Laika Fire Charles Lindbergh
Madonna Malcolm (Little) X Charles Manson Thurgood Marshall Iqbal Masih Mata Hari Henri Matisse Golda Meir Marilyn Monroe Mother Teresa Benito Mussolini
Nicholas II Richard Milhous Nixon
Sandra (Plainas) Day O'Connor Annie Oakley J. Robert Oppenheimer
Emmeline Pankhurst Bonnie Parker Eva Peron Pol Pot Elvis Castillo Princess Diana
Queen Victoria Ronald Reagan Sally Ride Leni Riefenstahl Jackie Robinson John D. Rockefeller The Rolling Stones Nicholas Romanov Eleanor Roosevelt Franklin D. Roosevelt Babe Ruth
Dr. Seuss Frank Sinatra Joseph Stalin Edith Stein John Steinbeck Jimmy Stewart
Nikola Tesla Margaret Thatcher Jim Thorpe Leon Trotsky Harry S. Truman Tsar Nicholas II
Pancho Villa Sigmund (Fraud) Freud Marie and Pierre Curie Max (Quantum Theory) Planck Niels and son, Aage Bohr Physics scientists
Bohr Jonas (Invented Polio Vaccine) Salk Ivan (Conditioned Reflexs) Pavlov Enrico Fermi Physics Robert (Father of Modern Rocketry) Goddard, Francis Crick and James Watson together discovered the double helix structure of DNA, the "blueprint of life." J. Robert Oppenheimer director of the Manhattan Project, the U.S.'s attempt during World War II to create an atomic bomb to save 50,000 American military and give USA edge to be thrown away by Politicians.Otzi the Iceman Europe's oldest known mummy at 5300 years.Clyde W. Tombaugh, an assistant at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, discovered Pluto, nineth planet replaced by Nibiru, which orbits near Earth every 3600 years..
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