Disclaimer: Blog you're about to read will hose your nose, frost your 'nads, or just aggravate you!
Are you ill to your stomach of self-aggrandizing celebrities talking against “global warming,” yet flying private 1000 gallon-burning planes to their several well-dispersed homes? Riled up about lectures about YOUR LACK of charity and philanthropy coming from miserly rockers who will do anything at all for a tax break? Frosted and accosted by leftist "stars" decrying the evils of the NRA's favorite amendment, the Second Amendment as "stars" personal bodyguards pack more heat than the Contras and the Zapatistas?
The same Hollywood lacadaisical lunatics who got Barack Hussein Obama elected in 2008 will attempt to do US again with him in 2012. unless we shut down their motorized mouths. Four years ago, Republicans sat on the sidelines being wimps and let Obama’s celebrity-fueled media-love-fest machine and the Establishment Republican lackluster foot-shooter McCain roll over them like the Crimson Tide. Fooled once,real, true Republicans are wised up and want a total scum flush in 2012. All those mealy-mouthed RINO Republicans like Boehner who was not up for a re-election "FLUSH" have got to GOOOOOOOOO! A few slipped in in 2010 that are on the wrong side of Miss Liberty. We know who let us down.
The Left’s sacred celebrity cows, Hollywood’s holier-than-thou limousine liberals, and Obama’s Tinseltown foot soldiers, AND "go along, get along BUFFOONS require their most important lesson to date: No longer can they try to deny Americans the very liberties they use to launch their careers into prosperity and stardom. This blogger's eye-popping, exhaustively researched, and absolutely hilarious, no-holds-barred style, puts dozens of A(ss)-list celebrities, including Daryl Hannah, Sting, Madonna, Paul David Hewson A.K.A. Bono, Al Gore, Alec Baldwin, Matt Damon, Cameron Diaz, Bruce Springsteen, and many, many more impaled on the colonscope which analyzes whether they live by the same environmental, health, anti-violence, civil rights, and other policy dogma they want to hang around the necks of Americans, like the proverbial albatross. What bloggerman escavates will shock and dismay you. You may even decide to obstain from enabling these "stars" and would-be star politicians and "pundits" by depressing their ticket sales and votes.
There is NOTHING like unsold tickets to empty seats and NOT re-elected politicians to ram home the message...WE DO NOT WANT YOU ...we like CONSERVATIVES....Real, actual, factual CONSERVATIVES...not New York mayor types or Massachusettes governor types!
Liberal college professors want their young, often gullible, students to ignore and in fact, never learn about, more than 100 million Russian and Chinese and North Korean people murdered by Communists while college professors preach their Marxist dogma. The same academics are also leading in the fight to shut down independent thinking and freedom of speech on their own college campus.
None of us is immortal. The passing of the great Breitbart serves to remind us even more. After Steve Jobs knew his days were numbered, he said:
"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering you are going to die is the best way I know to stop thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. Stay hungry. Stay foolish."
But Hollywood’s "Bully Pulpit", like that of a misbegotten Kenyan, is powerful, and the mainstream media’s slobbering and foaming-at-the-mouth love affair with Barack Hussein Obama will fight back "tooth and nail" when their jerk has his back against the wall of shame. People who think Barack Hussein Obama's abysmal first term will sufice to demoralize the Liberal Left Coast from voting in its unvetted Kenyan is a not a resident of Literalville. Enough good people stayed home in 2008 to allow an unchecked, inexperienced community organizer from Chicago by way of Hawaii, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Kenya...to triumph over the Republican Establishment as they had diabolically planned.
A sad reality is that the Republican Establishment has prepared an "excrement sandwich with a liberal millionaire" running for POTUS or President of These United States...for no apparent reason. They relish the "moderate vote"...no... they are absolutely addicted to and must have...the moderate vote. Perhaps their nanny dropped them on their collective heads when they were infants? Buzy woman, that one! This is why John McCain expressed his love and devotion to Ruth Bader Ginsberg to the chagrin of millions in his Republican conservative base, chose an unknown woman from a low-electorial vote state, and other things, to gain this moderate vote of dozens of people.
The Happy Birthday "Mittens" campaign was encouraging supporters to use the hashtag #hbdmitt and wish his "Go to Hell,Moderate NOT, but their social media push did not work. Only 19 tweets with the hashtag over three days.
What hypocracy list would be complete without a woman claiming she needs $3000 :
Newt Gingrich, or Rick Santorum should WIN and one of them selects Rick Perry so that some MAJOR electorial votes such as 29, will be on the ticket...not Jennifer Dristmist from Podunk, Rhode Island with 1 1/2 electorial votes for POTUS!
The Hollywood Progressives do muster considerable marketing and fund-raising power. It’s 'way past due time to research and expose the data and setting the record straight. It’s 'way past due time to aim the white-hot media spotlight back on the image makers movers and shakers and prevent the Hollywood elite from woolpulling over the eyes of American voters like they always TRY to do.
Breitbart LIVES!!!
James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has released a new video exposing just how easy it is to commit voter fraud in Vermont.
Texas has to fight Eric Holder, US Atty General, to prevent voter fraud via picture ID said to hamper illegals trying to vote who can buy all the fake IDs they want.
The favorite addiction of First Lady Michelle Obama's is French fries and cheeseburgers in Paradise. Folks be shocked, stunned and amazed because Mrs. Obama is famously almost daily on record against unhealthy food. But then President Obama is partaking of those cigarettes says Jason Mattera, "Hollywood Hypocrites: The Devastating Truth About Obama' Biggest Backers", author who has painstakingly researched for the tome.
Bruce Springsteen, a millionaire lately singing his hitless poetry to non-catchy jingles about the struggles of hanging onto a minimum wage job and other gritty, average Joe topics, hopefully a far cry from the "49" shots flop which has been mistaken for heavy drinking. Perhaps it is less being a hypocrit and more like not being able to sing the blues in an air- conditioned room. Springsteen, except for his apparently uninformed political nitwittery, must be understood that he is playing the liberal for popularity and even more money.
Barbra Streisand, Gwyneth Paltrow, Norman Lear, Arianna Huffington Sen. John Kerry, Cameron Diaz and Chevy Chase are on the growing list of anti-SUV hypocrites. These characters consume vast quantities of fossil fuels riding in their stretch limos, Gulfstream jets and oversized Beverly Hills mansions, according to the New York Post's Page Six column. Gwyneth Paltrow's neighbors in Manhattan's West Village said she drives a Mercedes-Benz SUV occasionally parking it on the sidewalk in their neighborhood.
Cameron Diaz bragged of ignoring her garage full of cars prefering to drive her new Prius. Barbra Babs Streisand and her hubby James Brolin have SUVs. They may even have a marriage license. Chevy Chase drives Westchester County in his big SUV.
Lately Mitt Romney is forthright about his wife's Cadillacs partly due to the Senator John Forbes Kerry trouble when he denied is wife had a Chevy Suburban saying,"the family has it." The remark got him labelled a "rich guy" but so is a fellow with a $1.6 million dollar mansion in Chicago.
Liberals like Arianna Huffington go on and on ad nauseum about workers’ rights, the importance of unions, and fair wages even in foreign countries. Still, when their own personal money is on the line, 99 times out of 100, liberals try to pay as little as possible just like conservatives, Republicans and everybody else.
Speaking of role models for youth, Cameron Diaz promoted her new movie, "Bad Teacher", telling Jimmy Fallon how much her "character" from the "movie" totally loves alcohol and marijuana. She smilingly mentioned this after ex-boyfriend and Bad Teacher co-star, Justin Timberlake, recently admitted to using marijuana himself.
Children, your lesson here is ...don't do drugs!!!!
Rosie O'Donnell and Sean Penn to have armed and dangerous bodyguards but still howl about the poi poi plain folks having guns.
Sean Penn's car was stolen while parked outside a Berkeley, California restaurant. Lurking menacingly in the trunk of Penn's car was a loaded .38 caliber Smith & Wesson revolver and a loaded 9 mm Glock semi-automatic.
In New York City, just about every celebrity from Howard Stern to Steven Tyler, has been granted a license to carry a concealed weapon. Sean Penn, a San Francisco Bay Area resident who passed inspection, was granted a carry permit in 2002 by the Ross Police Department. when the vehicle was recovered, the two guns were missing. The Ross Police Department was kind enough to remind Sean Penn that, though his two pistols had been stolen, his license was specifically for the two guns, so he could not legally arm himself with a substitute sidearm. He would have to re-apply with an application, providing police with a fingerprint card, a series of passport-sized photos, and proof of his attendance at a firearms training class.
Bill Maher, LOVES to call women four letter names...Mysogeny...brags,"I got NO sponsors, I'm cable,ha ha"...
Movie star gun-wielding characters like Matt Damon and Daniel Craig who haul off tens of millions of dollars per movie making violent cinemas like Damon's "Bourne" three-movie set and Daniel Craig's James Bond movies yet attack the Second Amendment rights of ordinary people who have guns for protection and/or target shooting and hunting. A man has to defend his one block plot of fenced-in backyard corn from the ravages of deer even if from an upstairs porch. Taking flash pictures might spook them a time or two but they would be back. Security lights or no security lights.
Sting, who brags about his rock solid marriage, but was caught hand-holding in a brothel. He's oh-so very green, but is paid big pounds to advertise gas-guzzling limos...meet Sting, who is the master of contradictions. As for hating 1%ers, Sting has seen a fortune of more than £100 million in his three decade career.
Alec Baldwin Declared “Greatest Living Hypocrite” by Guinness
(Dreadmonger London Bureau) – Guinness World Records, Ltd. announced today in London that Alec Baldwin has been declared “World’s Greatest Living hypocrite” for his recent string of scathing tweets associated with the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Dreadmonger London Bureau) – Guinness World Records, Ltd. announced today in London that Alec Baldwin has been declared “World’s Greatest Living hypocrite” for his recent string of scathing tweets associated with the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Alec Baldwin serially declared his support for the OWS or Occupy Wall Street movement centered in Zuccotti Park in New York City, in spite of the fact that he works as the long-time TV pitchman for Capital One Credit Cards, a division of Capital One Bank, N.A., one of the largest banking conglomerates in the U.S. and is well-paid by them.
Al Gore, one of America's most over-rated environmental crusaders, consumes approximately 20 times more electricity every year at his Nashville mansion and huge pleasure craft on the lake than the average American homeowner with a motorized fishing skiff.
When polled,"Do you believe Al Gore is a hypocrite on the issue of global warming?", some 69% affirm,YES! He does not believe his own lies about the myth of global warming.
FYI, Santarém is a city in the state of Pará in Brazil. The Tapajós joins the Amazon River there, and it is a popular location for tourism.
Bono and U2 relocated at great expense, all thier publishing royalty catalogue to the Holland (Netherlands) to avoid the higher taxes of their beloved, Ireland, the Emerald Isle.
Favored for years, Bono and U2 got a better deal than most Irish taxpayers because songwriters paid no tax on earnings from music publishing. That changed when Ireland limited the tax exemption, which also applies to writers and artists. From Jan. 1, artists who earn more than €500,000, or $625,000, a year paid tax on half their "creative" income, according to the Irish Revenue Authority.
Remaining in Ireland would have forced Bono to pay a 42 percent tax on U2 and his own earnings. Alternatively, the band could have channeled profits through a company to pay the 12.5 percent corporation tax instead of greatly benefiting Holland.
BONO http://blog.politca.com/2010/11/29/hypocrit-bonothe-concert-no-warmist-would-applaud.aspx
According to UK fan magazine, "British Elle", Madonna states that she’s worried because her 13 year old daughter, Lourdes keeps wearing jeans that are too tight. She says:
“My daughter is going through a phase of wearing jeans that are so tight she can’t bend her knees in them. I have a go at her and say, ‘Can’t you wear something else? You have a closet full of clothes and you wear the same pants every day. And please wear a belt because I don’t want to see your butt crack when you bend over.’”
Madonna getting upset with her daughter for dressing too slutty is like Mr. T getting upset with his son for pitying too many fools. Many think there was a period in Madonna’s life when all she wore for clothing was long sticky spaghetti and purple condoms. But where are the pictures?
http://www.myspace.com/ungreen_madonna For unknown reasons, Madonna, listed as one the worst environmental offenders on earth, will be playing
Big Bucks Trust @celebnetworth you lying piece of s[--]t- i said guilty bankers, not non guilty ones! not all rich people r guilty including me- u commie"
Sean Hannity asked Daryl Hannah how much money she was worth. Ms. Hannah, suddenly hemming-and hawing, declined to answer. According to Celebrity Networth, the correct answer is that Daryl Hannah is worth $15 million.
Information from Celebrity Networth (contained in my own revelation here in an article about Mr. Baldwin's financial ties to Wall Street and Big Oil through his mother's quite admirable breast cancer foundation) that Alec Baldwin is worth some $65 million and makes $300,000 per episode for his NBC-TV series 30 Rock. Twittered Baldwin target after angrily denouncing my article (but not responding to my answer that I would be happy to correct any errors or, as he put it, "lies"):
Some website wrote that I'm worth $65 mill, so have no cred at OWS. Man.....news to me. Didn't know I had $65 mill.
So Baldwin was not specifically a "wire", but MUST HAVE KNOWN he was "rich",,,how do you not know you are rich? Just didn't know HOW rich...
Solar system has Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter closer to sun...David Mayer de Rothschild